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Computer architecture and assembly language programming methods. Includes addressing, binary and computer arithmetic, boolean logic, bus structures, control and data flow, data representation, debugging, input/output, instruction cycle, instruction sets, interrupts, linking, machine language, memory, processors, registers, storage, subroutines, and translation. Connection to compilers and operating systems discussed.

(4 cr. hrs.) (Spring) Prerequisite: CSCS1320, CSCS2420, or instructor consent.


Theories and applications of computers. Includes computer architecture, hardware, software, number coding, problem solving paradigms, microcomputer applications, network technology, computer ethics, computer careers, e-commerce, and system software.

(4 cr. hrs.) (Fall, Spring). Prerequisite: Ready to take a college-level composition course and have no developmental reading and mathematics requirements.

Recommended for computer majors only; non-majors see CSIT 1390. Lecture/laboratory.


C/C++ Programming for systems, commercial, and scientific applications. Topics include: procedural vs. object-oriented programming, data types, operators, standard control structures, functions, pointers, arrays, structures, classes, objects, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, templates and libraries.

(4 cr. hrs.) (Spring) Prerequisite: CSCS 1240 or Instructor Consent. Lecture/laboratory.


Data and data structures, linear lists, strings, stacks, queues, linked lists, arrays, and orthogonal lists. Trees, multi-linked structure, table search, sorting techniques, storage allocation, and sequential and random file access.

(3 cr. hrs.) (Fall). Prerequisite: CSCS1320 C/C++ Programming.


Networks and communication techniques with computers or peripheral devices. Includes communications links and equipment, coding of information, line controls, protocols, multiplexing, socket programming, error correction algorithms, data transmission, and local area networks. Emphasis on modern internet protocols such as TCP/IP, including the application, transport, network, and link layers.

(3 cr. hrs.) (Fall). Prerequisite: CSNT 1200 and (CSCS 1320 or CSCS 2420).


Discrete mathematical foundations and their relationship to computing. The foundation of discrete structures, mathematical reasoning, combinatorics, graphs and trees, Boolean Algebra and logic gates, and Karnaugh mapping.

(3 cr. hrs.) (Fall). Prerequisite: MATH 1240 and either (CSCS 1320 or CSCS 2420) or instructor consent. Students cannot receive credit for this course and MATH 2330.


High Performance Computing Fundamentals. Introduces students to current computational trends and interdisciplinary collaboration. Survey of applications requiring visualization, data and time intensive processing, concurrency. Case Studies drawn from current problems in the computing, business, scientific, and mathematical disciplines. Students will be exposed to design, implementation, and operational aspects of a High Performance Computing system, as well as skills in resource utilization, system performance optimization, and general problem solving techniques.

(3 cr. hrs.) (Spring). Prerequisites: CSCS1730 UNIX/Linux Fundamentals, or Instructor Consent.


In-lab seminar/work experience in a High-Performance Computing environment. Student is assigned an administrative role(s) within the lab and learns the basics of on-site/remote maintenance, monitoring, support, documentation, updating and investigating possible functionality. The student functions as if they were in a beginning staff system administration position.

(2 cr. hrs.) (Fall). Prerequisites: CSIT1320 HPC Fundamentals, CSCS1730 UNIX/Linux Fundamentals, or Instructor Consent. Cannot be taken concurrently with CSIT 2048.


Continuation of In-Lab seminar/work experience in a High-Performance Computing environment. Student resumes administrative role(s) within the lab and is responsible for on-site/remote maintenance, monitoring, support, more detailed documentation, updating, and investigating/implementing possible innovations/functionality. Additionally, the student may assist in mentoring/training an incoming student to assume the responsibilities of the role. The student functions as if they were in an intermediate system administration position.

(2 cr. hrs.) (Spring). Prerequisites: CSIT1320 HPC Fundamentals, CSCS1730 UNIX/Linux Fundamentals and CSIT2044 HPC Experience I, or Instructor Consent.


Database connectivity and other areas related to the construction of commerce-related database driven web sites are the primary focus. Behind the scenes aspects of web programming. Hands-on experience with today's popular programming languages on the web, emphasis on the HTML-embedded scripting languages PHP (Perl-like in syntax) and ASP (VBScript.) Mod-Perl, JSP, Coldfusion, and other common languages also discussed.

(3 cr. hrs.) (Spring). Prerequisite: CSCS1240 Problem Solving.


HPC Systems and Networking is a capstone experience; putting to use your acquired scripting, programming, systems administration, and other critical thinking and problem solving abilities to accomplish themed or pertinent projects intended to demonstrate your mastery of skills, presentation of effective solutions and intuitive documentation, and involvement in the lab environment to enhance the resources it offers.

(3 cr. hrs.) (Spring). Prerequisites: CSIT1320 HPC Fundamentals, CSCS1730 UNIX/Linux Fundamentals, or Instructor Consent.


Systems programming for portable operating system implementations. File and Device I/O, timers, process management, sockets, threads, file systems, terminals, signals, pipes, semaphores. Focus on concurrency and effective resource utilization.

(3 cr. hrs.) (Fall). Prerequisites: CSCS1320, CSCS1730, or Instructor consent.


UNIX Operating System basics. The primary emphasis of this course will utilize the command-line environment where students will demonstrate knowledge in the usage of the UNIX shell by moded editing, shell scripting, regular expressions, file manipulation, package management, and related topics.

Students will also become familiar with the X Window System and related components such as the X Server, Window Managers, and Desktop Environments.

(4 cr. hrs.) (Fall, Spring). Prerequisite: CSCS1240 Structured Problem Solving (or be taking), or Instructor Consent.

haas/spring2018/common/course_description.1453741823.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/25 17:10 by