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spi0 (due 20180117)
wcp1 (due 20180117)
wcp2 (due 20180124)
psd0 (due 20180131)
wut0 (due 20180131)
wcp3 (due 20180131)
wut1 (due 20180207)
wcp4 (due 20180207)
wut2 (due 20180214)
wcp5 (due 20180214)
psd1 (due 20180228)
wut3 (BONUS, due 20180228)
wcp6 (due 20180228)
psd2 (due 20180314)
fml0 (due 20180418)

Table of Contents

Corning Community College

CSCS2730 Systems Programming

Assignments, Documents, Information, and Projects


spi0 (due 20180117)
wcp1 (due 20180117)
wcp2 (due 20180124)
psd0 (due 20180131)
wut0 (due 20180131)
wcp3 (due 20180131)
wut1 (due 20180207)
wcp4 (due 20180207)
wut2 (due 20180214)
wcp5 (due 20180214)
psd1 (due 20180228)
wut3 (BONUS, due 20180228)
wcp6 (due 20180228)
psd2 (due 20180314)
fml0 (due 20180418)

Class Stats

Week 2

  • Making headway on the script; you should now be able to use it to generate a CSV file
  • With a CSV file, you should be able to commence on writing a C program that reads that data in (stores it), and then displays it in more readable form
  • Go ahead and read through chapter 2 in the book
  • Another project (wut0) is available

Week 1

  • Welcome to the Spring 2018 semester!
  • Our approach to Systems Programming will be as follows:
    • observation and implementation: a deeper dive into various UNIX tools through their implementation.
    • collaboration/documentation: to ensure everyone (as best as possible) is participating time and effort, my plan is to release projects verbally, yet require the class to compose all the project pages. The readability, correctness, organization, usefulness of the resulting documents will be evaluated and count as discrete project alongside other projects.
    • learning/implementing systems programming facilities:
      • file access
      • library/system calls
      • concurrency (forking, threading)
      • pipes, sockets
    • interactive: I've grown tired of preparing and polishing things only to have so many ignoring my efforts, seeking out only the shortest path to jump through the latest hoop. I would like us all to do the legwork necessary to figure stuff out (also where some of the documentation efforts will come in handy).
  • It is very important that you have a solid grasp on C- memory management/pointers especially.
  • Note that there are THREE (3) things due before the end of Wednesday this first week:
    • spi0
    • wcp1
    • week1 journal entry (which I plan to count as bonus; at the very least earn yourself a few points by removing the filler text).
  • In the Bruce Molay book, read Chapter 1, implement sample programs, do questions at end of chapter.
haas/spring2018/sysprog/projects.txt · Last modified: 2018/04/10 15:00 by wedge