Don't become complacent. Just because you have been able to pull things off at the last minute doesn't mean that luck will last. Intensity has been ramping up, and continues to ramp up. Please do not rely on procrastination and past familiarity to get by.
The next project in our singly-linked list series is now available: sll2
sll2 focuses more on the obtainment and deallocation from a list, as well as secondary operations like sorting and swapping, along with opportunities to test your skills with applications.
Week 5
With our first break week fully enjoyed, hopefully everyone is ready to continue the Data Structures adventure!
The trickiness that many experience with Data Structures is mounting. And its name is abstraction- where we take familiar things and wrap them in new packages. They're the same, underneath it all, but we have to convince ourselves this is still the case.
We resume with the next project in the singly-linked list series: sll1
Note that it continues where sll0 left off, so be sure to have completed sll0 before upgrading for an easier time.
Should your sll0 implementation be troublesome, there IS a reference implementation available in sll1 with the list bits you need.
Week 4
Our next project on our linked list journey is now available: sll0
Week 3
New week, new project: sln1
We build upon our drawings and pseudocode with now actually implementing functionality in C
I would highly, highly recommend getting started sooner rather than later. You may find you'll really want the benefit of the weekend and more days to ask questions.. the details have a way of sneaking up on you.
Week 2
I've seen indications that many of you have started, and are well underway on the first week's project (at current time of writing, one person has even submitted it)
I've had a few questions- good; I've seen some of you in the LAIR working on the projects- excellent.
Don't forget to subscribe to the class mailing list!
The next project has been released: sln0
It will continue our exploration of lists using special node units we'll be creating and manipulating
For this project, the focus will be on pseudocode and drawing pictures
It is important that you draw pictures
UPDATE: all illustrative pictures have been added
Week 1
Welcome! I've wrapped all the initial activities into one project, dsi0, that I'd like you to perform by the given deadline (by 11:59:59pm / 23:59:59).
haas/spring2015/data/projects.1425305838.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/03/02 14:17 by wedge