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  • dsi0 (due 20150128)
  • sln0 (due 20150204)
  • sln1 (due 20150211)
  • sll0 (due 20150225)
  • sll1 (due 20150304)
  • sll2 (due 20150311)
  • sll3 (due 20150408)
  • dll0 (due 20150408)
  • dll1 (due 20150415)
  • dls0 (due 20150422)
  • dlq0 (due 20150429)
  • dlt0 (due 20150506)
  • EoCE - see bottom of Opus (due 20150514 by 4:30pm)

Corning Community College

CSCS2320 Data Structures

Assignments, Documents, Information, and Projects


  • dsi0 (due 20150128)
  • sln0 (due 20150204)
  • sln1 (due 20150211)
  • sll0 (due 20150225)
  • sll1 (due 20150304)
  • sll2 (due 20150311)
  • sll3 (due 20150408)
  • dll0 (due 20150408)
  • dll1 (due 20150415)
  • dls0 (due 20150422)
  • dlq0 (due 20150429)
  • dlt0 (due 20150506)
  • EoCE - see bottom of Opus (due 20150514 by 4:30pm)

Week 13

  • dlt0 is released… with 3 unit tests functional… others will come in time.
  • There was a last minute problem with dlq0's unit-dequeue, a fix has been issued, and an update is now available.

Week 12

  • dlq0 will be the next project (doubly-linked queues). It is nearing completion and will show up on the projects list once ready. This will be the second-to-last weekly project… the last being dlt0, which will deal with binary search trees.
  • The EoCE has been released; be sure to check the bottom of your Opus (you must be signed in to see it)
  • NOTE: I will not be in the LAIR on Tuesday, April 21st, 2015– I will be away at a conference.

Week 11

  • dls0 is now available! We continue to utilize our doubly-linked list implementation, although this time as a base to build upon: we'll be using it to provide the foundation to our stack implementation.
    • Stacks are really quite simple, although they may take some getting used to. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the concept of the stack so that your implementation will be more solid.

Week 10

  • dll1 is now available! We continue our doubly-linked list implementation with this project. All unit tests are deployed.

Week 9

  • So, a weekend with otherwise good intentions… the remaining 4 sll3 unit tests to write, and what happened? I only got to 2… revision #2 has been released, so be sure to update to that and commence your unit testing of lappend and linsert.. I hope to have lobtain and rmgroup unit tests done before too much longer.
  • I am planning on extending the sll3 deadline one more time due to the late unit tests
    • if anything, I hope it has given some the chance to get caught up
  • dll0, the next planned project, is still planned for release THIS week. Don't worry, NONE of the sll0-sll3 code will be needed for dll0, as it will be a complete rewrite.
  • dll0 is released.. there are currently some warnings when compiling the unit tests, but the code will still compile (these will likely be addressed in an update).
  • All unit tests for sll3 are now released and appear functioning. Be sure to run a make update to synchronize with the latest changes!

Week 8

  • No new project this week… gonna give everyone a breather (including myself) before we resume the onslaught (heck, I still need to finish the last few unit tests… it has been a rather busy week).

Week 7

  • sll3 is now available. Not all unit tests are yet available… they'll be released in the coming days.

Week 6

  • Don't become complacent. Just because you have been able to pull things off at the last minute doesn't mean that luck will last. Intensity has been ramping up, and continues to ramp up. Please do not rely on procrastination and past familiarity to get by.
  • The next project in our singly-linked list series is now available: sll2
    • sll2 focuses more on the obtainment and deallocation from a list, as well as secondary operations like sorting and swapping, along with opportunities to test your skills with applications.

Week 5

  • With our first break week fully enjoyed, hopefully everyone is ready to continue the Data Structures adventure!
  • The trickiness that many experience with Data Structures is mounting. And its name is abstraction- where we take familiar things and wrap them in new packages. They're the same, underneath it all, but we have to convince ourselves this is still the case.
  • We resume with the next project in the singly-linked list series: sll1
    • Note that it continues where sll0 left off, so be sure to have completed sll0 before upgrading for an easier time.
    • Should your sll0 implementation be troublesome, there IS a reference implementation available in sll1 with the list bits you need.

Week 4

  • Our next project on our linked list journey is now available: sll0

Week 3

  • New week, new project: sln1
    • We build upon our drawings and pseudocode with now actually implementing functionality in C
    • I would highly, highly recommend getting started sooner rather than later. You may find you'll really want the benefit of the weekend and more days to ask questions.. the details have a way of sneaking up on you.

Week 2

  • I've seen indications that many of you have started, and are well underway on the first week's project (at current time of writing, one person has even submitted it)
  • I've had a few questions- good; I've seen some of you in the LAIR working on the projects- excellent.
  • Don't forget to subscribe to the class mailing list!
  • The next project has been released: sln0
    • It will continue our exploration of lists using special node units we'll be creating and manipulating
    • For this project, the focus will be on pseudocode and drawing pictures
    • It is important that you draw pictures
    • UPDATE: all illustrative pictures have been added

Week 1

  • Welcome! I've wrapped all the initial activities into one project, dsi0, that I'd like you to perform by the given deadline (by 11:59:59pm / 23:59:59).
haas/spring2015/data/projects.txt · Last modified: 2015/04/29 19:15 by wedge