This is an old revision of the document!
Corning Community College
CSCS2320 Data Structures
This section will document any updates applied to the project since original release:
In this project, we get started with some course initialization and review activities.
You're reading this, so you've likely already found your way to the course homepage. It consists of the syllabus plus additional course resources.
Please familiarize yourself with it, bookmarking important resources as appropriate, so that you can refer back when needed.
I'd recommend knowing how to get to the projects page (where you found the link for this project), as new content will be posted there.
Be sure to read through and over the syllabus, ensuring there are no questions on the material and organization of the course.
Note that this IS an internet course, and as such, there is no formal scheduled class meeting time. That does not mean I am not expecting to ever see you. In fact, many people, already aware of the rigors and intensity of this course, are already planning informal gatherings in the LAIR so as to keep on top of things. This course WILL be intense, please do not think you have to go it alone.
Familiarize yourself with your Opus, and once there:
NOTE: Week 1 opus entry will be due before Tuesday, the remainder of the intro Opus content will be due by this project's deadline.
Using the resources found on the course homepage (or the lab46 website in general), locate and subscribe a preferred and frequently checked e-mail address to the class mailing list (known as DATA).
We will use this for class discussions (along with irc, the notes wiki page, your Opus, etc.) and to disseminate announcements and other information.
Once subscribed, please send a message to the list introducing yourself (also so I can know to associate a particular e-mail address with you).
Using the tutorial, set up a screen session and join the #csci channel on irc. This has proven useful for more interactive (debugging!) conversations.
Additionally, the C/C++ Programming students will be on this channel, so you could further review your C skills by helping them out.
Ensure you can still (or if you are new to this, that you can successfully) log into lab46 via an ssh or mosh client.
Lab46 will be the primary and supported development environment for the course. While you are free to use your own systems, any assigned projects:
Remember, during open LAIR times you can always come in and use the pods.
To both aid you and help you develop better development skills, I'd like for you to make regular commits and pushes to your Lab46 mercurial repository.
This way, you can have a regular snapshot of your work as you go along, plus have the ability to grab an older copy should something go wrong.
Like the Opus, I will be looking for a minimal amount of repository-related activity PER WEEK (for example, I will be looking for AT LEAST 1 commit in relation to your program for week 1).
As a means of simultaneous review, along with starting to acclimate ourselves to new concepts that we'll be encountering on a regular basis, I'd like for you to implement a program (in C) that does the following:
In addition to writing this program, please be sure you brush up on (at least) the following:
To be successful in this project, the following criteria must be met:
Let's say you have completed work on the project, and are ready to submit, you would do the following (assuming you have a program called arraylist.c):
lab46:~/src/data/dsi0$ submit data dsi0 arraylist.c Submitting data project "dsi0": -> arraylist.c(OK) SUCCESSFULLY SUBMITTED lab46:~/src/data/dsi0$