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Here is a program that sets us up with a situation where structs can be handy:

 * prestructs1.c
 *  An example leading into using structs in C, along with arrays.
 * To compile: gcc -o prestructs1 prestructs1.c
int main()
        int age1, age2;
        float height1, height2;
        char name1[80], name2[80], junk;
        printf("Person 1 of 2:\n");
        // prompt for name (string)
        printf("Please enter the person's first name: ");
        scanf("%s", name1);
        // prompt for age (integer)
        printf("Please enter %s's age: ", name1);
        scanf("%d", &age1);
        // prompt for height (float)
        printf("Please enter %s's height: ", name1);
        scanf("%f", &height1);
        // Get newline out of the input stream
        junk = fgetc(stdin);
        printf("Person 2 of 2:\n");
        // prompt for name (string)
        printf("Please enter the person's first name: ");
        scanf("%s", name2);
        // prompt for age (integer)
        printf("Please enter %s's age: ", name2);
        scanf("%d", &age2);
        // prompt for height (float)
        printf("Please enter %s's height: ", name2);
        scanf("%f", &height2);
        // Get newline out of the input stream
        junk = fgetc(stdin);
        printf("\n\nThe names of the people are:\n");
        printf("#1: %s\t", name1);
        printf("#2: %s\t", name2);
        printf("The full bios of the people are:\n");
        printf("#1: %s, age: %d, height: %f\n", name1, age1, height1);
        printf("#2: %s, age: %d, height: %f\n", name2, age2, height2);
haas/spring2015/cprog/prestructs.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/15 16:05 by