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The “I deserve nice things” List

Interested in an item? Edit the page and add your name to the “Taker” field, and put in an interwiki link to your documentation.

Category Thing/Description Taker Wiki Link
documentation Getting Started: 3d Game Programming mgough Documentation
documentation add pedagogical pictures/images to PuTTY tutorial; create a PuTTY tutorial open
documentation vim tutorial bh011695 Documentation
documentation functions tutorials: random numbers, square roots, access/display time/date open Beginning Info
documentation debugging tutorial (gdb)
documentation howto on lab46 per-user subversion repositories open
documentation using/linking libraries with your C/C++ programs open
documentation python tutorial afassett Documentations
documentation tcpdump tutorial open
documentation OpenVPN client configuration/deployment open
documentation Dialog tutorial jshort6 Documentation
documentation Pong jshort6 Documentation
documentation Battleship (The game and documentation of source code) jshort6 Documentation
documentation Dual boot install of xp and ubuntu jshort6 Documentation
networking recrimp remaining green “over the ceiling” network cable ryoung12 done
networking redeploy VLSM on student.lan subnet with and open
networking figure out/deploy working PF-based OpenBSD router box that can do multipath/CARP open
networking figure out/deploy OpenBSD PF-based QoS (prioritize ssh) open
programming In C, write an X (or SDL, or OpenGL) program that can parse/display JPG/PNG files open
programming write a C program that can (using libraries) compress and uncompress files open
programming write a C or python X program that can interface/utilize a touchscreen
programming compile cgrep (from to run on Lab46 open
project Hexadecimal Time; I'd love a clock mtaft4 Documentation
project explore/deploy Debian preseeding open
project figure out Plan 9 open
project try out Debian GNU/kFreeBSD afassett
project create a 24-hour weather map loop from publicly available animated gif weather data open
project set up a firewire iSight camera under Linux and do some cool stuff with it in the LAIR
project set up an Asterisk VoIP server and do some cool stuff with it in the LAIR (voicemail, per-user extensions, etc.) open
project set up a machine and test pile of hard drives to see if they are dead or working afassett documentation
project explore Evergreen for possible deployment in LAIRbrary open
project explore Bino to display 3D movies open
sysadmin investigate umask (what should good sane values be) open
sysadmin figure out/demonstrate xpra (from the parti suite) open
sysadmin figure out/demonstrate xmove open
sysadmin figure out/deploy vertical split in screen on Debian etch (the “Debian” way) closed already patched in Debian Squeeze
sysadmin install MacOS X 10.5 “Leopard” on the G4 cube for deployment in the LAIR bh011695
sysadmin check the logs for errors/problems on-going instructions coming at some point
haas/spring2011/common/hpc1/ideas.txt · Last modified: 2010/12/18 02:55 by