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both large and small

  • pctX:
    • level 0: easy level letter division (base 10)
    • level 1: medium level letter division (base 10)
    • level 2: hard level letter division (base 10)
    • level 3: other base letter division (base 8)
    • level 4: other base letter division (base 6, 7, 9)
    • level 5: other base letter division (base 11-16)
    • level 6: data analysis (generate possibilities and filter)
    • level 7: ???
  • hpc0 projects
    • write ipban
    • write refreshweb
    • multibase multiplication table (mathfacts)
    • process SRTI data
  • discrete projects
    • multibase multiplication table (mathfacts)
    • multibase multiplication tester (chkmult)

Data Communications Objectives

  • implement solutions to analyze data (programmatic or with tools)
  • implement solutions to visualize data (programmatic or with tools)
  • validate information through error detection (CRC, parity, other)
  • encode/decode information (endian, ASCII, other)
  • implement solutions according to specifications (data formats/layouts)
  • implement solutions to send information (programmatic or with tools)
  • implement solutions to receive information (programmatic or with tools)
  • discuss aspects of performance, reliability, efficiency related to solutions

HPC Experience I Objectives

  • document solutions for reference
  • perform tasks to facilitate lab operations
  • perform diagnostics on lab resources
  • implement lab resources
  • interact with server and client resources
  • discuss security implications of approaches and solutions
  • discuss performance implications of approaches and solutions
  • discuss efficiency implications of approaches and solutions
  • discuss high vs low level approaches
  • discuss infrastructure vs presentation details
  • perform system administration tasks
  • implement solutions according to specifications (resources, tasks)

UNIX course objectives

  • utilize shell I/O redirection features in problem solving
  • implement bash shell scripts
  • utilize File Access (Read, Write, Append)
  • implement command-line pipelines to create custom solutions
  • utilize and problem solve in a command-line environment
  • utilize critical thinking skills to synthesize and solve problems creatively
  • apply abstraction skills to craft flexible solutions to problems
  • explore the unix philosophy and its application

Elon Musk Scientific Method

  1. Ask a question.
  2. Gather as much evidence as possible about it.
  3. Develop axioms based on the evidence, and try to assign a probability of truth to each one.
  4. Draw a conclusion based on cogency in order to determine: Are these axioms correct, are they relevant, do they necessarily lead to this conclusion, and with what probability?
  5. Attempt to disprove the conclusion. Seek refutation from others to further help break your conclusion.
  6. If nobody can invalidate your conclusion, then you're probably right, but you're not certainly right.

mercurial commit date filtering


Image Streaming

haas/ideas.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/07 20:55 by wedge