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UNIX Worksheet

File Permissions

For the following symbolic file permissions, give the corresponding octal value:

  • - r w x r - x r - x
  • d - w x - w - - - x
  • c r - - - w - - - x
  • b r w - r w - - w x

File Types

For the given file information, identify whether the indicated file is a regular, directory, or special file:

  • - r w x r - x r - x
  • d - w x - w - - - x
  • c r - - - w - - - x
  • b r w - r w - - w x

Modifying File Permissions based on File Types

For the following, give the chmod command that provides user with read and write (maintaining any existing execute), removes any read for group (preserving any existing write and execute), and adds world read. But ONLY if it is a special file.

  • - r w x r - x r - x
  • d - w x - w - - - x
  • c r - - - w - - - x
  • b r w - r w - - w x

Absolute vs. Relative Path

For the following, specify whether it is an absolute or relative path. Explain why:

  • /usr/local/bin
  • ../bin/fsck
  • bin/ls
  • /var/log/auth.log
haas/fall2024/unix/worksheet0.txt · Last modified: 2013/02/27 19:08 by