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Corning Community College

Computer Essentials


Assignment Description Due Date
Assessment Take Home Assessment: A Sampling of Knowledge 11/30/2010
HTML Web Page Creation 11/30/2010
Number Systems 2 A return to number systems 11/04/2010
Hardware Lab Computer Hardware Exploration 09/16/2010
Data Dir Create/check your data directory 09/14/2010
Number Systems Number Systems Conversions 09/14/2010
Hydroponics Project Wiki Documentation of a Hydroponics Exploration on-going
Chapter 1 Read Through All Of Chapter 1 09/03/2010
JIT Journal Initialization Tutorial 08/29/2010
Chapter 1 Start Reading Through Chapter 1 08/27/2010
Mailing List Subscribe to the Class Mailing List 08/27/2010

Assignments are due by 11:59:59PM on the date listed in the Due Date column above.

haas/fall2024/common/compess_assignments.txt · Last modified: 2010/11/15 03:21 by