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Week 1

  • Welcome!
  • be sure to look over the syllabus, and start on the ael0 project (use 'grabit' on lab46, or ask on discord)
  • Review, ask questions on C and pointers.
    • try writing sample code employing various concepts
    • pointers are a fixed size, regardless of data type
      • on lab46 (running on a 64-bit OS/system), memory addresses are 64-bits (64/8 = 8 bytes)
        • so all pointers (whether char, int, float, etc.) will be 8 bytes in size on this system.
      • on other systems, notably 16-bit and 32-bit systems (especially late-era hardware that might have incorporated tweaks to support more memory than is typically accessible by the default machine word size), memory address sizes can vary.
      • takeaway: for code portability, do not assume 8 byte memory addresses. ALWAYS use sizeof() to maximize portability.
haas/fall2023/data/week1.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/18 14:15 by