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Corning Community College

Weekly Class Participation reporting (wcp#)


Each week, you have the ability to earn class participation credit by performing any of the following activities (for some amount of points) per week, in order to attain a stated point threshold (likely varying by week or general progression of the semester).


Measuring participation fulfills a vital role of gauging individual involvement and interactivity in on-going class activities, not just their ability to perform assigned projects.

Being exposed to and interacting with the subject matter helps to improve understanding, and eventually fluency, yet the trends these days seem to involve more and more people only putting forth effort for a class DURING said class (often at the expense of the actual in-class activity going on).

Some may think it is time well spent, but when I find myself constantly repeating myself days, weeks, even months later, it is clear that something needs to be done in order to improve individual participation in the course.

Participation Activities

The following are a list of available activities, along with current weekly claim caps, and point values that you can perform for participation credit in a given week.

Watch this space, as new activities may be added, or old ones obsoleted (either conditionally or entirely), along with tweaks to claim caps and point values.

attribute description cap (how many per week) points
present# be physically AND mentally present for an in-class session (terminal open to lab46 from pod machine during class) 2 2pts
online non-idly be logged on lab46 for at least (course credits x 2) hours, at least half of which falls outside any scheduled class time 1 4pts
email# e-mail me outside of class with relevant, understanding-oriented questions 2 4pts
qrep# engaged in a round of question back-and-forths with me 2 4pts
question# ask a relevant question during class 2 4pts
contrib# apply knowledge positively by contributing during class (offering up responses to my prompts) 2 4pts
irchelp# contribute to class irc chat with relevant, on-topic conversation 2 4pts
ircask# ask for class-related help in the class irc chat 2 4pts
repo make at least 4 productive commits to your Lab46 source repository 1 4pts
notes contribute productive and correct content to the class notes wiki page 1 4pts
format formatted content on course notes page 1 4pts
listpost# posted new thread to list 2 4pts
listreply# replied to mailing list thread 2 4pts

You will see that, if a normal week where a class physically meets 2 times a week, a TOTAL of 36 points are currently possible.

Each week I will require some subset (at least initially) of the above-stated activities to be done for participation, giving you choices on how you'd like to earn this credit. Depending on the combination, I may consider participation activities done in excess of the weekly cap as some form of bonus (applied to the participation component).


Certain class configurations may see overrides to some of the requirements stated here, if it enables better symbiosis with the class. Such alterations will be stated on class-specific information sources (such as class project pages); if you do not see an exception, assume none applies to you.

wcp# projects

Each week there will be a wcp# project for you to submit your participation activity claim, which is done using a dedicated wcp tool.

Failure to submit your claim by the deadline will result in lost credit: remembering and time management are important skills as well!

The project will open up on the second day of class each week, and close by the end of that week's Saturday. There are NO LATE submissions.

Weekly Point Requirements

Following will be a list of participation point tallies you will need to accumulate in a given week to get full credit:

week# project name opens due by total points needed
1 wcp1 20200118 20200123 4
2 wcp2 20200123 20200129 8
3 wcp3 20200130 20200205 10
4 wcp4 20200206 20200212 12
5 wcp5 20200213 20200226 14
6 wcp6 20200227 20200304 16
7 wcp7 20200305 20200311 18
8 wcp8 20200312 20200318 20
9 wcp9 20200319 20200325 21
A wcpA 20200326 20200401 22
B wcpB 20200402 20200415 23
C wcpC 20200416 20200422 24

There are no make-ups. If you miss performing an activity (such as being physically/mentally present a particular day), you can either make up the credit by other participation activities, or even make up for lost credit with bonus points in other weeks.

Participation Activity Log

I would highly recommend keeping an activity log of your participation activities for each week (might be a good recap to put as part of your weekly journal entry), as I may ask you to provide additional information to back up your claim.

If you are unable to substantiate your claim, any claimed credit may be voided for that particular week.

Submission: Making a participation claim

Some of these participation activities, when performed, leave a digital trail, which I endeavor to capture. Others are more analog in nature (ie asking a question in class).

By making a claim, I am assuming you are making a just and honest claim to having performed said activity.

Submit wcp#

If you are within the submit window for a particular week (say, week1, so the wcp1 participation project), you can make your claim using the wcp tool.

It takes 2 arguments:

  1. the class designation you are making the claim for (c4eng, cprog, unix, data, discrete, etc.)
  2. the wcp# project name (wcp1 for week1, wcp2 for week2, etc.)

And you can do so as follows (using discrete as the class designation, for week1):

lab46:~$ wcp discrete wcp1

This should bring up an interactive dialog with a list of checkboxes.

Use the up/down arrow keys, and the space bar to toggle selections (it is a checkbox, so you can select 0 or more).

When done, you can simply hit ENTER to submit.

Your terminal prompt should be returned to you, and you should be greeted with the message “SUBMISSION COMPLETE”, and hopefully no error messages.

And that's it! Simply rinse and repeat for each regular week of the semester (I will NOT be collecting participation during break weeks).

haas/fall2020/common/projects/wcp.1579365129.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/18 16:32 by