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By reading through this document, participating in the class chat, utilizing class resources, and performing the various class activities and projects, you consent and agree to the following:

  • You understand and consent to the rules and policies governing your status as a student at SUNY Corning Community College.
  • You understand and consent to the structure, policies, and nature of the course as laid out in this syllabus.
  • You understand and consent to maintain a respectful, inquisitive, well-behaved, and learning-oriented focus as you participate and go through the course.
  • You understand and consent to practice (and further cultivate, as needed) the fundamental aspects of a student taking this course, which includes:
    • able and willing to read, comprehend and work with the material and information inherent to the course.
    • upon facing uncertainty, confusion, or lack of understanding, will ask copious, well-informed, and well-intending questions to clarify your state of understanding.
    • if cause for issue rises, you will bring it to my attention so that it may be best addressed as locally and pertinently as possible to the course and its educational environment.
    • participate in the course with a focus on curiosity, discovering, exploring, learning, and understanding.
    • starting early on deliverables so that ample time is available for discovering, exploring, learning, and asking any questions as needed.
  • Acknowledge that, as a student, a genuine learning experience necessarily involves some level of unfamiliarity, which may invoke discomfort.
haas/fall2020/common/course_terms.1597585078.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/16 13:37 by wedge