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Corning Community College

CSCS1730 UNIX/Linux Fundamentals




To employ your growing shell script abilities in calculating your current status in the class.


I would like you to write a script that:

  • takes the status command output and:
    • calculates project points
    • calculates opus points
    • calculates attendance points
    • calculate project % of overall grade (36%)
    • calculate opus % of overall grade (36%)
    • calculate attendance % of overall grade (28%)
    • display the results (including overall grade)

Example output may look something like:

lab46:~/src/unix/statuscalc$ ./statuscalc
Projects   ... received 341 out of 405 total points: 84% (30/36)
Opus       ... received   9 out of  12 total points: 75% (27/36)
Attendance ... received  18 out of  23 total points: 78% (21/28)
Total      ... 78/100

The calculations are based on how many points you got out of the maximum number of possible points (so while we may have done a number of projects, the individual projects don't matter as much as the aggregate of points they earned).


Submission criteria are as follows:

  • Script is organized and easy to read
  • Indentation to enhance readability
  • Comments to explain what is going on
  • Submit on time!
  • 10% late deduction per day after deadline
  • submit using submit tool, project name statuscalc
haas/fall2017/unix/projects/statuscalc.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/06 14:26 by