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C/C++ Programming Fall 2015 Status

Data and visualizations generated from class activity.

This information is provided to give you a better perspective on how the class as a whole is trending.

Numeric Stats on Deliverables

CPROG   cci0 mms0 dow0 mbe0 mbe1  got+bn/tot  avg prjct+attnd+jrnal= result
lowscore: 69   33    0    0    0  ..........  34  .................  47
avgscore: 91%  79%  71%  68%  39% ..........  78  .................  80
 hiscore:100  100  100  100  100  .......... 112  ................. 101
  median:100   88  100   88    0
    mode:100  100  100  100    0
   range: 31   67  100  100  100
# passed:  7    5    5    5    3  ..........   5  .................   5
 # of As:  5    3    5    3    1  ..........   3  .................   3
 # of Bs:  0    2    0    2    2  ..........   2  .................   2
 # of Cs:  1    0    0    0    0  ..........   0  .................   0
 # of Ds:  1    0    0    0    0  ..........   0  .................   0
 # of Fs:  0    2    2    2    4  ..........   2  .................   2
# submit:  7    7    5    5    3
  # late:  0    0    2    2    0
% passed:100%  71%  71%  71%  42%
 % of As: 71%  42%  71%  42%  14%
 % of Bs:  0%  28%   0%  28%  28%
 % of Cs: 14%   0%   0%   0%   0%
 % of Ds: 14%   0%   0%   0%   0%
 % of Fs:  0%  28%  28%  28%  57%
% submit:100% 100%  71%  71%  42%
  % late:  0%   0%  28%  28%   0%

Class Project Progress

<charter> title = Class Project Progress size = 600×400 align = center type = cubic XAxisName = Project YAxisName = Result shadow = on titleColor = #efefef scaleColor = #efefef shadowColor = #000 bggradient = #333@50 graphGradient = #666@50 fontLegend = VeraMono.ttf@8 legendEntries = Upper Bound, Lower Bound, Low Score, Average Score, High Score, Median Score, Mode Score, Submit, Late graphLabels = 2|0|cci0, 2|1|mms0, 2|2|dow0, 2|3|mbe0, 2|4|mbe1

125,125,125,125,125 -25,-25,-25,-25,-25 69,33,0,0,0 91,79,71,68,39 100,100,100,100,100 100,88,100,88,0 100,100,100,100,0 100,100,71,71,42 0,0,28,28,57 </charter>

The class project progress graph visualizes the distilled results (low, average, high, median, mode, submit, late) for each project, allowing big picture view of how the class is progressing.

haas/fall2015/cprog/projects/status.1445809584.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/25 21:46 by wedge