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CPROG EoCE: Program 0x0

Reproduce Logic

Following will be the output of a program which I have not provided source code for. Your task is to recreate the necessary programming logic to produce identical output.

Output must be generated by the program (you're not allowed to just have a bunch of fixed printf() statements).


    00000000    00000001    00000001    00000002
    00000003    00000005    00000008    00000013
    00000021    00000034    00000055    00000089
    00000144    00000233    00000377    00000610
    00000987    00001597    00002584    00004181
    00006765    00010946    00017711    00028657
    00046368    00075025    00121393    00196418
    00317811    00514229    00832040    01346269
    02178309    03524578    05702887    09227465
haas/fall2013/common/cprogeoce1.txt · Last modified: 2013/04/19 17:12 by