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Late Policy

Sometimes, even though we try our hardest to get everything in on time, the spurious Murphy's Law will make an appearance. Your dog ate your network cable, a burst of cosmic rays damaged your RAM precisely where your work was located… the list goes on.

If something is not submitted by its respective due date, and no advance attempt has been made to communicate with me, the assignment will be invalidated of any value.

Bottom line.. if something is going to be late: let me know. It happens, just don't make a habit of it. Communication is key.


Attendance plays an important part in one's educational journey each semester. Missing class deprives you of essential knowledge and hinders understanding towards your eventual mastering of a topic.

Because we are all here to learn (and if learning isn't a priority, I highly suggest you think about making it such), and believe it or not- learning isn't just about one person, but the entire group. So it is important to be present in order to positively contribute to the learning experience.

I also reserve the right to drop students from the course due to excessive absences.

Network Outages

In the event that a significant network or computer outage occurs on a network under CCC jurisdiction, an appropriate adjustment will be made to any applicable due dates.

If, however, an outage occurs on your end, that shouldn't necessarily be used as an excuse for missing deadlines on work submission. Everyone has a CCC student account, so work can be done while on campus. A certain amount of leniency will typically be granted, if you are usually on-time with your assignments and maintain regular communication with me.

If you experience any sort of problem connecting that does prevent the successful submittal of an assignment or assessment, I expect some notification on your part. Any error messages or diagnostic results will be useful in determining the scope of the problem and consideration regarding due dates.

haas/fall2010/common/late_policy.txt · Last modified: 2010/08/01 14:42 by