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C/C++ Programming Journal

3/12/2015 my memory dosn't serve me very well today i remembered i had forgotten to submit in the jurnal again i will preform a brain dumb first a note this is hard for me writing a jurnal is unlike anything i have ever done before.

been working on the second incarnation of multiply by 11 and so far i have a decent understanding of creating ints chars and functions using these specific file types, i have gained a decent understanding of do, while, and for loops, i have also learned the if, else if conditional statments.

*note* i have noticed a interesting bug with for loop iteration

(int i = 0;int var = 5;(for(i = var;i==0;i--){...}))
//purpose is to count down
//if the for loop the == comparison seems to fail in my programs when decreasing a var to 0.
//the fix i have found is the alter the code like so
//alternate is (int var=5;int i=var;(while(i >= 0){i--;}))
//noted probably better to use != 

my question why is the == comparison breaking?

back on track my current week points are pointers, int array manipulation and type cast their is more i want to mention but cant remember because it 1:22am so im going to sleep now

Captains log: today is 1/29/15 i realized i was 2 days behind on the journal so i decided to make a quick entry i have never had a journal as i would naturally forget to make an entry so this is not the norm for me.

on the first day i used putty to log into lab46 and i wrote a hello world script in C using nano for taking notes.


i notice my last post didnt make it so i will take some time to update. on the previus project

multiply by 11 i got a little in over my head when i decided to try encapsulating my programs in functions and using for loops before the structure was explained. long story short the program broke in several levels so i went back to the drawing board and removed the functions cleaned up unneeded code and changed my strategy to something i was familliar with switch case, if statements, and the dreaded goto. sence this matt made it a point to tell us to never use goto again lol.

–as of now same date im going to begin the new multiply by 11 using arays and if i can i will atempt another function. will update…


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UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Journal

And so it begins…

captains log after several hours of mind boggling inspection dave and i finally managed to see the forest for the trees, and solve the majestic puzzle box. on the plus side i may be able to solve the supper flip with less moves now. sence im not a creative writer im running out of words to say…/not a fan of blogs

2/22/2015 again my messages didnt go threw i recall i had a verry long frustrated post about not being able to figure the 2nd puzzlebox out and being halfway done. i was acctualy two steps away from done i was too tired at the time to notice the mistake i was making the octalascii program was a distraction because the file was in hex onece i realized that i just converted it got the pass and used a key word the teacher forgot to mention lol “sort” i was pretty much done at this point took 5 minutes how upsetting…

well that is all as there isn't much to say


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