You, the cook, and the cartographer set off towards the town. The cartographer is highly haughty about it all. It wasn't his fault that everyone got lost. It was the guide's fault for dying. Of course both of you went with him. Why wouldn't you? You and the cook roll your eyes. Both of you can't wait to go seperate ways from the cartographr. While the cartographer prattles on, you finally make it to the town.

The cook goes towards the market to buy fresh provisions for the company while the cartographer goes to ask for directions. You insist on going as well. You say that it is for protection because the town looks rough. Really, you don't trust the cartographer and want to get the directions yourself. You and the cartographer find that you are only a day ride from a port city that is on the border of your own lands. This makes you quite happy to hear.

You and the cartographer set off to to tell the cook the good news when you hear some sort of ruckus occurring down the next street.

Investigate Ruckus