You press the button for the second floor. When the door opens you see the Garden Lounge. Walking down the hall you take a right and start walking straight for the Hope Diamond exhibit. Suddenly you hear voices and duck into an open room. You hear them talking about the Hope Diamond and realize that they are currently inspecting the security. You take this oppertunity to take a peek into the exhibit. You see that the diamond is currently on a stand while the men talking are looking in hte opposite direction.

You can't afford to waste any time, so you sneak in and grab the Hope Diamond. As you quielty dart to the elevators you hear the men yell. You only have minutes before every security guard in the building reaches that room. Luckily the elevator you take is on the opposite side of the building from the security room, so you manage to make it to the ground floor without being spotted. You enter the National Mall through one of the exits and run for your car as you hear sirens.

Congratulation, you have successfully stolen one of the most valuable gems in history!