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In this wiki page I will post the format for how a vim character sheet should look for those who participate in the dndstudygroup irc channel.

Format as follows..

Nick: *A DnD/pathfinder class of some kind* Title: *Title of character, earned through tasks/quests* Level: *Every character starts at level 1* Gold: *Everyone starts with 10 gold* Weapons: *Everyone starts with no weapons* Armor: *Everyone starts with a “Cloth Tunic”* Items: *Everyone starts with no items*


Nick: Wizard Title: Dungeon Shell Level: 1 Gold: 10 Weapons: none Armor: Cloth Tunic Items: none

This may be appended later, and will add extra things accordingly.. __

This is a link to the playlist that i have/am organizing in accordance to the LAIR, and it's Discord channel. This is a playlist of hand selected tunes ranging from synth, techno, future funk, and a bunch of other genres that someone somewhere coined.. If you have recommendations, or simply want to congratulate me on my better than average music taste feel free to shoot me a message on the LAIR Discord. If you aren't a part of the Discord which covers essentially all the classes taught, then please get a hold of myself, or Jeff Jansen, (Or really anyone else a part of it, it's not some secret kool klub, just ask around. This Discord is NOT officially affiliated with CCC, Matt Haas, or anything of the sort. It was student founded for a potential means to communicate besides the class IRC. Just a fun little side project thing.

My school e-mail is

The link to the LAIR playlist is..

LAIR Playlist

user/wcarpen1/start.1518625189.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/14 16:19 by wcarpen1