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In this wiki page I will post the format for how a vim character sheet should look for those who participate in the dndstudygroup irc channel.

Format as follows..

Nick: *A DnD/pathfinder class of some kind* \n Title: *Title of character, earned through tasks/quests* Level: *Every character starts at level 1* Gold: *Everyone starts with 10 gold* Weapons: *Everyone starts with no weapons* Armor: *Everyone starts with a “Cloth Tunic”* Items: *Everyone starts with no items*


Nick: Wizard Title: Dungeon Shell Level: 1 Gold: 10 Weapons: none Armor: Cloth Tunic Items: none

This may be appended later, and will add extra things accordingly..

user/wcarpen1/start.1517429554.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/31 20:12 by wcarpen1