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user:thakes3:portfolio:hpc0project2 [2013/01/24 01:27] – external edit [2013/05/05 04:05] (current) thakes3
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 +======Project: Television4me======
 +I needed a media player for my television, so that I may DVDS, movies downloaded, or other various forms of media on the go. 
 +I am going to plug in riften( upstairs desktop PC ) directly into my television ( DVI to HDMI ) and then use command line arguments to allow myself to direct flow of my television. 
 +In order to successfully accomplish/perform this project, the listed resources/experiences need to be consulted/achieved:
 +  *
 +  *
 +  *
 +I am running Xubuntu with pre-installed programs. 
 +  * screen
 +  * mplayer
 +  * vlc
 +  * openssh-server
 +  *SCOPE
 +  *SCOPE
 +  *SCOPE
 +  *SCOPE
 +The pursuit of this goal will allow me to achieve an awesome tv media thing that is super cool and lets me watch what i want yo.
 +I begin with a fresh install of xubuntu. Unfortunately it is a dated version, so i must step my game up with a simple update
 +swag~$ sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade
 +from there, I have all the updated packages and repo's. Now I can begin my special TV time.
 +I want to watch Trailer Park Boys. So first things first, lets grab them from my samba server. I don't have samba installed so i use a quick little program from the suite openssh.
 +swag~# scp satan@homeserver:Trailerparkboyssode.avi .
 +now with the little apendage to mplayer, I can watch my sode in full screen
 +swag~# mplayer Trailerparkboyssode.avi -fs
 +Now, I am currently watching the mentalist. My mother bought me these DVD's, but there was a problem: DVD right projection jargen. I don't haz time for this so I must act fast! mplayer has almost no support for copyright projection files, so for this i will use vlc instead. It has a vast library system (arg matie) with the capabilities to allow me to haz tv noaw. 
 +Unfortunately after researching a lil, I realized that the library i needed (libdvdcss) does not come installed with vlc. I tried the source but I cannot make heads or tails of this. So I must find another way. AAAaaaaand I found it. 
 +swag~# sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/
 +This installs all the prerequisite packages needed to haz tv noaw. 
 +Viola, The Mentalist. 
 +oh hey, something else to add: power-settings and changing them so the display doesn't dim 10 minutes into ma shows. 
 +This was great and I had a lot of fun doing it. I love watching TV.