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Reflections on project arc0

I found the pony. I named him Steve.

I made extensive use of the tac and rev commands (for hours). The cat command was utilized with the path redirection and append commands to place Steve into and appropriate txt file wherein he was then compressed using the tar command.

tar took some tinkering with, and I managed to find help from someone's opus posted last semester who encountered the same difficulty as I. I was missing part of the command, -c, to create the file.

I then had some difficulty with the .zip file, which the professor aided me with. I was again missing a command, -f, which was to follow -c in the creation of the file.

Steve is now in a better place, compressed, zipped and submitted to the professor, who I assume has many ^s for him.

Reflections of projects cus0

Editing config files

prompt color enabled and set to green with PS1. Somehow it made all of my text green, which is cool, though I will endeavor to make it do what I want.

Enabled alias ll='ls -al' which returns a long list of current directory files with ll command

set message state to n by default

#set view with nano, but only after forgetting to do so.

user/rsanche1/portfolio.1443123015.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/24 19:30 by rsanche1