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Graphing Automatically -Rana Elliott
The objective was to create a series of graphs for the Wiki. They would be used on the class status pages, and describe the trends in submitting, and general progression on certain projects. This would make it so Matt would not need to create the graphs by hand.
We needed to use a thing called Gnuplot, which would take a file of a certain format, then through some customized code it would create a graph. The graph could then be placed into the wiki, and would be readable for all to see.
Firstly, we needed basic knowledge of the file formatting that could be read by Gnuplot, we used various sites off google, and our past projects utilizing gnuplot to understand and organize our data.
Next, we had to know how to code in the gnuplot format, which kind of graph what statements would create, making sure each line or bar contained the correct data, knowing how to make an axis and step to that axis, etc.
Graphs will be useful in helping students compare themselves to others. This seems non-useful, but it can be very motivating for someone who is falling behind the curve. They may want that little boost to say “Hey, I should be doing just as well as these guys!”. It also gives Matt a better idea about who is doing what, and how the class is faring as a whole.
Firstly, we got the raw data files from Matt. These showed things such as the dates and times that people used make and make submit. Then we could use these files, extracting certain aspects and numbers in each line, into their own categories into our refined data file. In putting them on separate lines, we were able to organize the data, and make it readable by gnuplot. This was done through a shell script, completely automatically and based on the formatting of the file itself, so it can be interchanged through semesters.
Next, we did research on the various types of graphs that gnuplot allows, asking Matt his desired formats for them and making the graphs to the specified format based off of that.
We created a couple of codes that were in a gnu (.gp /.gnu ) format, which would be run, creating a graphic which would contain the desired image.
Then we attempted to make it so the images would be formatted correctly and be place-able on the wiki
Mainly google for certain coding aspects.
I also used the project page for gtf0 as a useful tool, plus a few students journals contained useful information on the formatting of gnuplot.
Fixing the computers -Rana Elliott
Our objective frequently throughout the semester was fixing errors within lab46 and the computers that you run it on in our lab. For example, we discussed making the computers have working speakers, something that none of us really knew what was wrong with them in the first place so that they do not make noise. Another thing was preventing an issue where if a person did not log into the computer it would spazz out and have to be restarted.
We used lab46, and the files that contain info about it, such as /var/logs for the pods, and other such things. We also used google to search up different things that could be causing certain issues. We also used Matt's mind for information because he is the master of all things computers and lab46.
It is important that we fix the computers in a timely manner, because if not then things could easily interfere with classes and make it harder for matt as a whole. The days that he had to manually go around and log into every computer were probably an inconvenience (if a minor one), and its best if we avoid situations like that if possible