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user:psechris:portfolio:cprogproject5 [2013/02/15 15:05] – created psechrisuser:psechris:portfolio:cprogproject5 [2013/03/05 05:32] (current) – [Expo] psechris
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 +======Project: Exponentiator======
 +A project for CSCS 1320 C/C++ by Paul Sechrist during the Spring 2013.
 +C program must return the result of a first integer argument raised to the power of a second integer argument using only an increment mathematical operation.
 +C program to return the root of two arguments.
 +In order to successfully accomplish/perform this project, the listed resources/experiences need to be consulted/achieved:
 +  * C selection statements
 +  * C repetition statement
 +I needed to start from the bottom up. I made a counting function, then an addition function using the counting function, then a multiplication using the addition function, then the expo function. I also needed if statements for the special cases such as power of  0 or 1 and base of 0 or 1.
 +==== Counter ====
 +<code c 1>
 + #include <stdio.h>
 + #include <stdlib.h>
 + //program that takes an integer and counts 1 increment more
 + //n1 stands for number 1
 + int main(  )
 + int n1;
 + fscanf(stdin, "%d", &n1);
 + n1 = (n1++);
 + fprintf(stdout, "%d", n1);
 + return(0);
 +==== Adder ====
 +<code c 1>
 + #include <stdio.h>
 + #include <stdlib.h>
 + //program that takes two numbers and adds them together by way of counting
 + //n1 = first number, n2 = second number
 + //cc1 = counting count 1
 + int main(  )
 + int n1;
 + int n2;
 + int sum;
 + int cc1 = 0;
 + fscanf(stdin, "%d", &n1);
 + fscanf(stdin, "%d", &n2);
 + sum = n1;
 + for(cc1 = 0; cc1 < n2; cc1++)
 + sum = (sum++);
 + }
 + fprintf(stdout, "%d", sum);
 + return(0);
 +==== Multiplication ====
 +<code c 1>
 + #include <stdio.h>
 + #include <stdlib.h>
 + //program that takes two numbers and multiplies them together by way of counting
 + //mult1 = first number, mult2 = second number
 + //atrack = add tracking number
 + //mtrack = multiplier tracking number
 + //prod = final answer
 + int main(  )
 + int mult1;
 + int mult2;
 + int prod;
 + int atrack = 0;
 + int mtrack = 1;
 + fscanf(stdin, "%d", &mult1);
 + fscanf(stdin, "%d", &mult2);
 + prod = mult1;
 + if (mult1 == 0)
 + {
 + prod = 0;
 + fprintf(stdout, "%d", prod);
 + }
 + else if (mult2 == 0)
 + {
 + prod = 0;
 + fprintf(stdout, "%d", prod);
 + }
 + else if (mult1 == 1)
 + {
 + prod = mult2;
 + fprintf(stdout, "%d", prod);
 + }
 + else if (mult2 == 1)
 + {
 + prod = mult1;
 + fprintf(stdout, "%d", prod);
 + }
 + else
 + {
 + for(mtrack = 1; mtrack < mult2; mtrack++)
 + for(atrack = 0; atrack < mult1; atrack++)
 + {
 + prod = prod++;
 + }
 + }
 + fprintf(stdout, "%d", prod);
 + }
 + return(0);
 +==== Expo ====
 +<code c 1>
 + #include <stdio.h>
 + #include <stdlib.h>
 + //program that takes two numbers and multiplies them together by way of counting
 + //base = first number/base number, power = second number/power
 + //atrack = add tracking number
 + //mtrack = multiplier tracking number
 + //etrack = expo track number
 + //prod = final product
 + //mval is value for mult part of function
 + //aval is value for add part of function
 + int main(  )
 + int base;
 + int power;
 + int prod;
 + int atrack = 0;
 + int mtrack = 1;
 + int etrack = 0;
 + fprintf(stdout, "Enter your base number\n");
 + fscanf(stdin, "%d", &base);
 + fprintf(stdout, "Enter your power number\n");
 + fscanf(stdin, "%d", &power);
 + prod = base;
 + int mval = base;
 + int aval = base;
 + if (base == 0)
 + {
 + prod = 0;
 + fprintf(stdout, "Your Answer is: %d", prod);
 + }
 + else if (power == 0)
 + {
 + prod = 1;
 + fprintf(stdout, "Your Answer is: %d", prod);
 + }
 + else if (base == 1)
 + {
 + prod = 1;
 + fprintf(stdout, "Your Answer is: %d", prod);
 + }
 + else if (power == 1)
 + {
 + prod = base;
 + fprintf(stdout, "Your Answer is: %d", prod);
 + }
 + else
 + {
 + for(etrack = 1; etrack < power; etrack++)
 + {
 + for(mtrack = 1; mtrack < mval; mtrack++)
 + for(atrack = 0; atrack < aval; atrack++)
 + {
 + prod = prod++;
 + }
 + }
 + aval = prod;
 + }
 + fprintf(stdout, "Your Answer is: %d", prod);
 + }
 + return(0);
 +Enter your base number
 +Enter your power number
 +Your Answer is: 1
 +Enter your base number
 +Enter your power number
 +Your Answer is: 10
 +Enter your base number
 +Enter your power number
 +Your Answer is: 100
 +Enter your base number
 +Enter your power number
 +Your Answer is: 1000
 +Enter your base number
 +Enter your power number
 +Your Answer is: 10000
 +Enter your base number
 +Enter your power number
 +Your Answer is: 0
 +Enter your base number
 +Enter your power number
 +Your Answer is: 1
 +This one took me back to the basics of programming, break it down, start small, work big, and go one step at a time.