This is an old revision of the document!
The biggest problem I encountered during the archive project was figuring out how to transfer the files from the server to my laptop. I ended up using the pscp command in the windows command prompt. Creating the archive and compressing it seemed straight forward. I like that the two can be separate that way you can create and archive without compressing it just to keep the files together. Also you can compress a single file without having to archive it.
who - shows who is logged on
who [option] [file | arg1 arg2 ]
ls - list directory contents
ls [option] [file] -l use long list format
chmod - change file mode bits
chmod [option] mode[mode]... file...
ctrl c - to quite out of a command
cat - concatenate files and print on the standard output
cat [option] [file]
echo - display a line of text
echo [option] [string]
tail - output the last part of files
tail [option] [file]
set - set or unset values of shell options and positional parameters
set UID - sets user ID set GID - sets group ID
alpine - email service
cd - change directory
status unix - check attendance and grades for unix course
cal - calender
man [command] - manual page for command entered
date - current time and date
ncal - calendar and date of Easter
pom - phase of the moon
write - send a message to another user
write user [ttyname]
tar - saves many files together into a single tape or disk archive, and can restore individual files from the archive
tar [option] [file] -cf - create archive -xf - extract archive -z - gzip archive
gzip - compress or expand files
gzip [option] [name] -1 though 9 - fast though best
vi/vim - programmers text editors
i - insert mode esc - command mode
wc - print newline, word, and byte counts for each line
head - output the first part of files
head [option] [file] -c - print the first K bytes of each file -n - print the first K lines of each file
tail - output the last part of files
file [option] [file]
sort - sort lines of text files
sort [option] [file]
getent - get entries from Name Service Switch libraries
getent database [key] getent passwd
bc - calculator
obase - Hex base ctrl D - breaks out to prompt
groups - shows which groups you belong to
grep - print lines matching a pattern
grep [options] pattern [file]
cut - remove sections from each line of files
cut option [file] -b - select only these bytes -c select only these characters -f select only these fields
uniq - report or omit repeated lines
uniq [option] [input [output]] -c - count -d - only print duplicate lines