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Archive Project

The biggest problem I encountered during the archive project was figuring out how to transfer the files from the server to my laptop. I ended up using the pscp command in the windows command prompt. Creating the archive and compressing it seemed straight forward. I like that the two can be separate that way you can create and archive without compressing it just to keep the files together. Also you can compress a single file without having to archive it.

Command List

who - shows who is logged on

 who [option] [file | arg1 arg2 ]

ls - list directory contents

 ls [option] [file]
 -l use long list format

chmod - change file mode bits

 chmod [option] mode[mode]... file...

alpine - email service

cd - change directory

status unix - check attendance and grades for unix course

cal - calender

man [command] - manual page for command entered

date - current time and date

ncal - calendar and date of Easter

pom - phase of the moon



user/nvitull1/portfolio.1414065605.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/10/23 12:00 by nvitull1