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user:nsano:portfolio:trinaryresearch [2014/09/23 17:13] – [Not Logic proposal] Nsanouser:nsano:portfolio:trinaryresearch [2014/09/23 17:49] (current) – [Ternary logical not gate] Nsano
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-=====Trinary after thought research===== +=====Ternary after thought research===== 
- This is a Concept i been messing with in my free time for about 3 semesters and is the idea of what i think trinary logic might biol down to when given three variables as if u would as an example 0,1 is binary but what if trinary used something like A,B,C or 0,1,2 (all combinations of three things would work for ease of understanding and readability i will be using A,B,C)+ This is a Concept i been messing with in my free time for about 3 semesters and is the idea of what i think ternary logic might boil down to when given three variables as if u would as an example 0,1 is binary but what if ternary used something like A,B,C or 0,1,2 (all combinations of three things would work for ease of understanding and readability i will be using A,B,C)
 ====== Research ====== ====== Research ======
-  * [[]] :: what is Trinary or Ternary computing simple put its the use of 3 states insted of the more common and standard binary or 2 state computing +  * [[]] :: what is Ternary or Ternary computing simple put its the use of 3 states instead of the more common and standard binary or 2 state computing 
-  * [[]] ::  number system conversions for decmial binary and ternary +  * [[]] ::  number system conversions for decimal binary and ternary 
-  * [[]] :: one possible way to use Ternaruy logic (i dont like it leaves to much out and alot of dta could be more utlized +  * [[]] :: one possible way to use Ternary logic (i don'like it leaves to much out and a lot of data could be more utilized 
-  * [[]] :: Started reading this but relized it was far ebyond wher i was in the logic steps and still am+  * [[]] :: Started reading this but realized it was far beyond where i was in the logic steps and still am
   * [[]] :: a report and manual i found about Ternary computing that will be useful if i ever deiced to make an emulator   * [[]] :: a report and manual i found about Ternary computing that will be useful if i ever deiced to make an emulator
-====== Not Logic proposal ======+====== Ternary logical not gate ======
-Trinary logic gates+Ternary logic gates
-possible trinary inputs and out puts+possible ternary inputs and out puts
 A A
 B B
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 Part 0x0 Part 0x0
-The idea am working on is not one output for every input, +The idea am working on is not one output for every input, 
 but two outputs for every input but two outputs for every input
Line 70: Line 70:
 Possible single Tryte Possible single Tryte
 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ACC|   | ACC|   |
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 the simplest idea is the file extension once its been written such as exe for a windows executable  the simplest idea is the file extension once its been written such as exe for a windows executable 
-the trinary system would see exe and say binary where say it would see tex such as tinary executable and would say execute as a trinary program +the ternary system would see exe and say binary where say it would see tex such as tinary executable and would say execute as a ternary program 
 :DISCLAIMER: the .tex extension is not a certain extention it is used only as an example to show a difference :DISCLAIMER: the .tex extension is not a certain extention it is used only as an example to show a difference
Line 96: Line 96:
 steam.exe versus steam.tex steam.exe versus steam.tex
-steam.exe will have a Trinary notation in how to process which would be a A followed by the next two bits represented by B or C for simplicity if a double A is found it will denote end of command or input and a will be follow by a extension either A B or C telling what it will pull next+steam.exe will have a Ternary notation in how to process which would be a A followed by the next two bits represented by B or C for simplicity if a double A is found it will denote end of command or input and a will be follow by a extension either A B or C telling what it will pull next
 steam.tex will run as stated above with one input and one or 2 outputs depending on the sequence of the input steam.tex will run as stated above with one input and one or 2 outputs depending on the sequence of the input
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 part 1x1 part 1x1
-binary trinary comparison+binary ternary comparison\\
-given an exe will denote a binary executable +given an exe will denote a binary executable\\ 
-A will begin each set of 2 bits and will run 5 tryte at a time to get a full byte this will continue to run untill it denotes a double AA at the beginning of a tryte and the 3rd trinary integer will denote pull next, stop, or repeat as in A pull next, B stop, or C repeat previous input process.+A will begin each set of 2 bits and will run 5 tryte at a time to get a full byte this will continue to run untill it denotes a double AA at the beginning of a tryte and the 3rd trinary integer will denote pull next, stop, or repeat as in A pull next, B stop, or C repeat previous input process.\\
-1x1 example+1x1 example\\
-for this example let B = 1 and C = 0+for this example let B = 1 and C = 0\\
-ABC in binary running in trinary would display 10 +ABC in binary running in ternary would display 10\\ 
-ACB in binary running in trinary would display 01 +ACB in binary running in ternary would display 01\\ 
-ABB in binary running in trinary would display 11 +ABB in binary running in ternary would display 11\\ 
-ACC in binary running in trinary would display 00+ACC in binary running in ternary would display 00\\
-so take the previous 4 Trytes and display binary in sqeuence with a AA followed by a B in 5th tryte (thrid Trinary integer is a B denoting stop) so if we pull a  +so take the previous 4 Trytes and display binary in sqeuence with a AA followed by a B in 5th tryte\\ (thrid Ternary integer is a B denoting stop) so if we pull a\\  
-ABCACBABBACCAAB : 10011100  +ABCACBABBACCAAB : 10011100 \\ 
-in binary and to spread it out to make it more readable we would see  +in binary and to spread it out to make it more readable we would see\\  
-ABC ACB ABB ACC AAB : 10 01 11 00 +ABC ACB ABB ACC AAB : 10 01 11 00\\ 
-if we break it down farther we would get  +if we break it down farther we would get\\  
-ABC : 10 +ABC : 10\\ 
-ACB : 01 +ACB : 01\\ 
-ABB : 11 +ABB : 11\\ 
-ACC : 00 +ACC : 00\\ 
-AAB : AA denotes end of byte B declares stop +AAB : AA denotes end of byte B declares stop\\  
 +continuing this process we follow the ABCACBABBACC with not a AAB but a AAA and we would pull the next since the 3rd ternary integer is A meaning pull next 5 trytes and process 
 +so we pull an additional ABCACBABBACCAAB so we see a \\ 
 +is the full input in ternary and output in binary\\ 
 +ABC ACB ABB ACC AAA ABC ACB ABB ACC AAB :  10 01 11 00 10 01 11 00\\ 
 +to break it down farther we get \\ 
 +ABC : 10 ACB : 01 ABB : 11 : ACC : 00 AAA : byte is finished pull next five tryte ABC : 10\\ ACB : 01 ABB : 11 ACC : 00 AAB : byte is finished and stop\\ 
 +and finaly we end with a tryte to binary ending in C so\\  
 +ABCACBABBACCAAC : 1001110010011100\\ 
 +break down by tryte \\ 
 +ABC ACB ABB ACC AAC : 1001110010011100\\ 
 +break down farther\\ 
 +ABC : 10 ACB :01 ABB : 11 ACC : 00 AAC : 10011100\\
- continuing this process we follow the ABCACBABBACC with not a AAB but a AAA and we would pull the next since the 3rd trinary integer is A meaning pull next 5 trytes and process 
-so we pull an additional ABCACBABBACCAAB so we see a  
-is the full input in trinary and output in binary 
-ABC ACB ABB ACC AAA ABC ACB ABB ACC AAB :  10 01 11 00 10 01 11 00 
-to break it down farther we get  
-ABC : 10 ACB : 01 ABB : 11 : ACC : 00 AAA : byte is finished pull next five tryte ABC : 10 ACB : 01 ABB : 11 ACC : 00 AAB : byte is finished and stop 
-and finaly we end with a tryte to binary ending in C so  
-ABCACBABBACCAAC : 1001110010011100 
-break down by tryte  
-ABC ACB ABB ACC AAC : 1001110010011100 
-break down farther 
-ABC : 10 ACB :01 ABB : 11 ACC : 00 AAC : 10011100 
 Other thoughts: Other thoughts:
user/nsano/portfolio/trinaryresearch.1411492424.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/23 17:13 by Nsano