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Michael Gleason 140 Greenridge Drive Horseheads, New York 14845 (607)481-8750 _

CISCO Networking Academy Business Math – demonstrated extensive knowledge in the ability to use Microsoft Excel to preform basic Math functions. Demonstrates and understands banking operations. Understands purchasing processes including: Markup, Markdown, and Depreciation.

Technology In Business – Understands the operation and implementation of multi-media in a business system environment. Able to compare and contrast the various file systems; advantages and disadvantages.

Communication in Today’s World – Able to identify popular communication tools and devices. Understands how network support the way we work and play. Comprehends the architecture and scale of the internet. Able to use collaboration tools. Understands end devices and intermediary devices and their role on the network. Comprehends the purpose of protocols and how they aid in communication.

Additional Skills Team Work – I enjoy playing soccer every chance I get. I’ve played for the school since I was in 7th grade. I also traveled to Spain over the summer and played with an international team at a camp called Edukick, ran by a Spanish teacher in the district, who is also the JV soccer coach. Through this I gained a lot of teamwork skills. Computers – I really enjoy working with computers. I plan on pursuing the computer field into college and my career. I enjoy every aspect of computers but I plan on going to college for Computer Science and then continuing into Computer Security at RIT.

Horseheads High School 2010-2014 Horseheads, New York, 14845 Advanced Regents Diploma GST BOCES 2012-2014 459 Philo Road, Elmira, NY 14903 Graduated with Honors

Experience Men’s Wearhouse, CSA – Feb. 2012 – Sept. 2013 Worked with co-workers to develop relationships with customers to create future business and an enjoyable visit. Worked with computers on a daily basis using Oracle, Java, and POS. Staples, Easy Tech Associate - March 2014- Present Worked with team to create a beneficial experience for customers. Keep work place organized, clean, and presentable. Work register, preforming basic math skills and customer association skills. Fix basic computer problems and assess problems with computers to offer services. Corning Inc., Intern – Dec 3rd 2013 – Dec 10th 2013 Shadowed and worked with the IT team at the Sullivan Park facility. Used basic networking skills to configure network cards and to update IOSs on switches. Saw how much things go on in one team and was very interested in the specific job field. Corning Credit Union, Intern – Sept. 2012 – June 2013 Worked as a teller at the Credit Union branch in the BOCES campus. Worked with money and used basic math skills to handle money. References- Available upon request.

user/mgleaso7/resume.1409692650.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/02 21:17 by mgleaso7