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Project: CIFS

A project for HPC I by John Kosty during Fall 2014.


  • Access, read, and write to windows SMB shares


In order to successfully accomplish/perform this project, the listed resources/experiences need to be consulted/achieved:


  • CIFS or Common Internet File System, is a way for me to easily reach my SMB shares as it runs the SMB protocol.
  • CIFS will allow me to mount a share using a single credential.
  • The reason for doing this is because Windows uses a different file system than linux


* I begin by install it

  • This installs almost all of the samba tools as well
  • Decided I would place the mount points in /mnt and made the directories

  • Next I need to specify the way that the share is being mounted
  • This is specified in /etc/fstab to make it automatic
  • I added the lines with

  1. The IP is the IP of the file server the files are stored on, SERVER-FILES
  2. Multimedia and Downloads are the shares the file folders are in
  3. \040 is the way of representing a space in a address
  4. /mnt/abcd specifies the location the share will be mounted on the file system
  5. cifs specifies the mount type
  6. credentials are stored in a separate file /etc/cifspasswd .. really not needed but I like to
  7. file mode and directory mode decide the control over the mount .. 777 may not be the best for production but fine for testing
  • To mount without restart I do a mount -a
  • Upon checking the mount locations, I can see it was successful all my “legitimate” movies are there

  • The same can be said for the music

  • Something always important to check is that the special characters are coming in right. Dont want half you music to not show up

  • Although it shows up, I may have to change settings in subsonic and plex itself later on


Upon completion of the project, if there is an applicable collection of created code, place a copy of your finished code within <code> </code> blocks here.

 * hello.c - A sample "Hello, World!" program
 * written by NAME for COURSE on DATE
 * compile with:
 *   gcc -o hello hello.c
 * execute with:
 *   ./hello
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    printf("Hello, World!\n");    // Output message to STDOUT


Again, if there is associated code with the project, and you haven't already indicated how to run it, provide a sample run of your code:

lab46:~/src/cprog$ ./hello
Hello, World!


Comments/thoughts generated through performing the project, observations made, analysis rendered, conclusions wrought. What did you learn from doing this project?


In performing this project, the following resources were referenced:

  • URL1
  • URL2
  • URL3 (provides useful information on topic)
  • URL4

Generally, state where you got informative and useful information to help you accomplish this project when you originally worked on it (from Google, other wiki documents on the Lab46 wiki, etc.)

user/jkosty6/portfolio/hpc1project1.1418883709.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/18 06:21 by jkosty6