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Basic commands to move around in UNIX.

Move a File: mv filename directorypath

copy a file: cp filename directorypath

rename a file: mv filename newfilename

compression notes :

to do a zip extract: “unzip” (files within should come out exported to the current directory.)

Tar is an archive format that can do .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, and .tar.xz

Extract .tar: tar -xvf file.tar

Extract .tar.gz: tar -xzvf file.tar.gz

Extract .tar.bz2: tar -xjvf file.tar.bz2

Extract .tar.xz: tar -xJvf file.tar.xz (Doing a J instead of j will signal its a .xz end.)

To create any .tar file compression: tar -cvf file.tar(add .gz, .bz2, .xz) /file directory to encapsulate

What the letters mean in before the file export.

- x means to extract a tar file

- v means show progress while extracting

- f means specify an archive/file

- j extract a .bz2 file

- J extract a .xz file

- decompress files of a .gz extension


Set the variable: t=“what” (so it saves)

Execute and see it: echo “$t” (should say what t was set to)

Text Manipulation

Rev command (Reverses text in a file): rev filename > exportedfile

Tac Command (flips the text from up to down. Usually helps if your document looks upside down)

tac: tac filename > exportfilename

Wild Cards

Symbols that represent different symbols.

Wild card symbols

- * - Kleene Star; match 0 or more symbols.

- ? - Match 1 of any symbol

- [] - Character class; match 1 of any of enclosed symbols.

- [^]- Inverted character class; do not match 1 of any of enclosed symbols.

user/jkendal6/start.1507227251.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/05 18:14 by jkendal6