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user:jbrant:csit1320:project2 [2010/02/14 14:01] jbrantuser:jbrant:csit1320:project2 [2010/02/14 17:13] (current) jbrant
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 +====== Desk Top Install ======
 +===== Installing the Debian OS =====
 +Upon bootup **hit F12** to enter the Boot Menu
 +Goto System Setup
 +Chose **Integrated Devices**
 +Select **Integrated NIC set option to On w/ PXE **
 +Reboot: **^<alt><del>**
 +You should seen a screen with 4 option **chose 32-Bit (i386) <enter>**.
 +The next screen has 4 options, the one required is:\\  
 +    **Debian/i386 Netboot. install Lenny stable[GUI]**
 +Choose a language: English
 +Choose a country: United States Keymap: American English
 +Host Name: **T-bird**
 +Domain Name: **offbyone.lan**
 +Debian archive mirror country: Scroll to the top, chose **'Enter information Manually'**
 +Next enter ** mirror**
 +NOTE: Use the default settings for the next 3 options Debian archive mirror hostname: mirror
 +Debian archive mirror directory: **/debian/**
 +HTTP proxy information: **<leave blank>**
 +Time Zone: **Eastern**
 +==== Partitioning the Hard Drive ====
 +Partitioning method: **Use entire disk**
 +Select disk to partition: **IDE1 master (hda)**
 +Partitioning Scheme: **All files in partition**
 +Write the changes to the disk: **Yes**
 +Root password: **<enter password> <enter>**
 +Verify: **<reenter password> <enter>**
 +Name of user: mustange <enter>
 +Verify user account: <enter>
 +Password for the user: <A> <enter>
 +Verify Password: <A> <enter>
 +Participate in the package usage survey: No <enter>
 +Software Selection Screen :** <Uncheck all options> click continue**\\
 +Note: You could chose to install the gnome application at this time. I did not.
 +Install Grub on Master Boot Sector: Yes <enter>
 +Once the system is done installing the operating system it will reboot
 +At the login screen: login with root <enter>
 +Password: <root password> <enter>
 +==== Installing Patches ====
 +mv source.list sources.list.bak <enter>
 +wget <enter>
 +aptitude update <enter>
 +aptitude upgrade <enter>
 +aptitude search ssh <enter>
 +aptitude install openssh-client openssh-server <enter> 
 +apt-get install xorg
 +===== GNOME Desk Top Install =====
 +Login as root
 +apt-get install aptitude tasksel 
 +tasksel install gnome-desktop --new-install\\
 +Note: there will be some defaults to take. I chose the pc104 key broad option
 +Login as user "mustange"
 +===== Compiz Install =====
 +Open a root terminal screen
 +Enter root password.
 +at the prompt type:\\
 +apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-gnome compiz-gtk <enter>
 +Next we need to edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file
 +cd /etc/X11
 +**cp xorg.conf  xorg.conf.bak**
 +**vi xorg.con**f
 +add a new section just befor the [Section "Device"]
 +**Section "Extensions"
 +        Option "Composite" "enable"
 +next go to the bottom of the **Section "Device"** and insert a line above **EndSection**.
 +On the line you inserted type: **Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" "true"**
 +save and exit the file 
 +Then type: compiz --replace\\
 +you may see some errors these can be ignored.
 +Login as mustange after the reboot open a terminal and type:\\
 +echo "export WINDOW_MANAGER=/usr/bin/compiz" >> ~/.gnomerc
 +logout and back in. Compiz should be running under the Gnome desktop.