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user:creid4:start [2017/04/27 15:56] – created creid4user:creid4:start [2017/05/12 18:03] (current) – [Arcade stick] creid4
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-<code> +===== VirtualBox step 1 ===== 
-Arch linux set up+--------------------------------------------- 
-this process is done on a virtual machine loaded with archlinux iso.+These are instructions to set up a Vm or virtual machine  
 +that can be used for installing an os and software  
 +without compromising the health or integrity of your machine. 
 +*First install virtual box   
 +[[ | Link to virtual box site.]]
-FORMAT DISC: +*Find the appropriate version for your system. advanced linux users might need to install virtual box via package manager i will not cover this as there are to many different managers.
-//in terminal type +
-fdisk -l (L) +
-//get the name of the disk drive +
-cfdisk (drivename) +
-//create free space by deleting +
-//create swap partition at half the size of ram +
-//click new use the size determined +
-//make the part primary and at the end +
-//now free space primary enter to sellect all remaining space +
-// clack bootable to make boot +
-//mark swap as swap +
-//select swap type 82 for file system type +
-//hit write enter yes enter +
-//drive name = 00swap sda1 root sda2 +
-//leave file partition +
-//format root drive with extension for file system +
-mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2 +
-//mount root to mnt directory +
-mount /dev/sda2 /mnt +
-//use swap space make swap space on swap partition +
-mkswap /dev/sda1 +
-//use swap +
-swapon /dev/sda1+
-install system to root drive: +next you will need to get a os disc image i will be using arch linux but any os can be used on vm.
-//get internet connection +
-//set up wifi useing  +
-wifi-menu +
-//insatall base system to root drive +
-pacstrap /mnt base base-devel +
-//chroot into partition +
-arch-chroot /mnt +
-//create new root pass +
-passwd (type new password) +
-//change location stuff +
-nano /etc/locale.gen+
 +*warning arch linux does not hold your hand you will need to follow a installation guide after the vm set up if you dont like this use Ubuntu or any other Debian based Linux for ease of use.
 +[[| Link to Ubuntu]]
-nano /etc/local.gen+*After installing and running vb click New in the top left. 
 +This will create a image file to host the os and config files for vb. 
 +*Create a name that identifies the os mine is Arch Linux. 
 +*Pick the type mine is linux, and the version just happens my operationg system is included in the version, but if yours is not chose other. 
 +*dont forget to pick 64 or 32 bit based on your image and hardware
-<code/>+*click next 
 +*now you are to select the memory size or amount of ram for the machine to have. 
 +i will use recommended but if you have ram hungry programs to test you can use as much ram as the green line shows possible.  
 +*WARNING -- any thing beyond green into red could cause memory leaks and buffer overflows, causing system instability and crashes  
 +that can damage data on the underlying os. 
 +*chose next then create to make a virtual hard disk(this is default setting). 
 +*chose next for default setting. 
 +*then next again.  
 +*chose the file location by clicking the folder icon and selecting a location. i chose to not change anything. 
 +*then chose the size of the virtual hdd this is the image file that is stored to your systems hard drive. again i picked default. 
 +your done with step one 
 +===== Virtualbox step 2 ===== 
 +This covers loading the os image after that installation is dependent on your selected image. in this case i will cover arch Linux in the instructions located under Arch Linux installation. 
 +*First right click the newly created vm select the yellow sprocket for settings. 
 +*now select storage.  
 +*in storage tree there is a empty disc icon select that and on the right in the optical drives box select the disc and chose virtual optical drive search your system for the correct image and select it your done. 
 +*click ok and the click the green start arrow to boot the vm and begin the installation.  
 +*this will run exactly like it does with ought the vm. 
 +===== Arch Linux installation ===== 
 +with the above vm settings you should be able to follow these instructions and test arch linux.  
 +$ Arch linux set up:  
 +$ this process is done on a virtual machine loaded with archlinux iso. 
 +# get the name of the disk drive 
 +# in terminal type  
 +$ fdisk -l (L) 
 +# get the name of the disk drive 
 +$ cfdisk (drivename) 
 +# if error accures use  fdisk 
 +$ fdisk <drivename> 
 +$ dos mode o 
 +$ new partition n primary 1 
 +$ enter for default 
 +$ end sector set size 
 +$ 2 enter enter p  
 +$ new partition filling remainder 
 +$ to change type to linux 82 
 +$ bootable a  
 +$ w save  
 +# create free space by deleting 
 +# create swap partition at half the size of ram  
 +# click new use the size determined 
 +# make the part primary and at the end  
 +# now free space primary  
 +# enter to sellect all remaining space 
 +# clack bootable to make boot 
 +# mark swap as swap 
 +# select swap type 82 for file system type 
 +# hit write enter yes enter 
 +# drive name = 00swap sda1 root sda2 
 +# leave file partition 
 +# format root drive with extension for file system 
 +$ mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2 
 +# mount root to mnt directory 
 +$ mount /dev/sda2 /mnt 
 +# use swap space make swap space on swap partition 
 +$ mkswap /dev/sda1 
 +# use swap 
 +$ swapon /dev/sda1 
 +## install system to root drive: 
 +# get internet connection 
 +# set up wifi useing  
 +$ wifi-menu 
 +# insatall base system to root drive 
 +$ pacstrap /mnt base base-devel 
 +# chroot into partition 
 +$ arch-chroot /mnt 
 +# create new root pass 
 +$ passwd (type new password) 
 +# change location stuff 
 +$ nano /etc/locale.gen 
 +# select us remove >#< from in front of selected language 
 +# look for  #en_us make en_us 
 +# generate time zone 
 +$ cd /usr/share/zoneinfo 
 +$ ls   
 +# find your zone 
 +$ cd US 
 +$ ls 
 +# set time zone 
 +$ ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/eastern /etc/localtime 
 +# set hostname 
 +$ echo archvm > /etc/hostname 
 +# install boot loader 
 +# download grub 
 +$ pacman -S grub-bios 
 +$ ender y enter 
 +# install grub 
 +$ grub-install /dev/sda 
 +# generate init file for grub to install linux 
 +$ mkinitcpio -p linux 
 +# create grub config 
 +$ grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg 
 +# leave chroot sesion 
 +$ exit 
 +# generate fstab file based on hdd 
 +# contains info about partitions on system 
 +$ genfstab /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab 
 +$ umount /mnt 
 +# done installing 
 +$ reboot 
 +$ login as root with password created above. 
 +===== Arcade stick ===== 
 +This project started from an idea to build a arcade stick for old school games. 
 +This is a picture of the top where made a prototype case reusing a cardboard box.  
 +{{ :user:creid4:arcade_stick_top.jpg?600 |}} 
 +This is a side view it shows of the location of the start select and the usb out cable. 
 +{{ :user:creid4:arcade_stick_side.jpg?600 |}} 
 +this is the internals showing the controller board and the conection to the switches and joystick.  
 +{{ :user:creid4:dsc_0119.jpg?600 |}} 
 +The controller was fully compatible with ps2 ps3 windows and linux. 
 +I even used it with the mudkip sdl program and controlled the sprite.
user/creid4/start.1493308565.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/27 15:56 by creid4