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Download page: Installation Guide:
Save the iso file and bootstrap files to a USB.
1# dmesg to find the /dev/sdx (for example my usb was /dev/sdb)
2# dd bs=4M if=/path/to/archlinux.iso of=/dev/sdx status=progress && sync
3# ping (to check for internet connection)
4# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1 to partition the root drive to sda1 with ext4 filesystem
5# pacstrap /mnt base (to install base packages)
6# genfstab -U /mnt » /mnt/etc/fstab
7# arch-chroot /mnt (change into root)
8# ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Region/City /etc/localtime (/Region/City = /America/New_York)
9# hwclock –systohc
10# locale-gen (to generate the locales[stuff like keyboard layouts and date order and such])
11# hostnamectl set-hostname myhostname (make sure /etc/hostname exists[also go into /etc/hosts and add the hostname to the list])
12# passwd (to change root password)
13# grub-install –target=i386-pc /dev/sdx
14# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
15# exit
16# unmount /mnt
17# reboot
18# useradd -m -g initial_group -G additional_groups -s login_shell username
19# pacman -S plasma-meta (this downloads the KDE Plasma desktop environment)
20# systemctl enable sddm.service ( sym link and enables sddm display manager)
21# install xorg-xinit xf86-video-intel xterm (then reboot)
22# pacman -S firefox
23# pacman -S i3
to change root use: arch-chroot
if stuck on loading GUI try [alt+F2]
once logged in as user use “su” to switch to root with the root password.
install virtualbox package install linux-lts-headers package
install nginx package
nginx web server on Debian VirtualBox
Good source for installing Raspbian with NOOBS
My trials:
Using a USB thumb drive: I first make sure it is formatted in FAT32, if not plug it into your computer, on windows you would go to file explorer right click the appropriate drive, select properties and look for NTFS or FAT32 formatting and selecting FAT32.
Once that is formatted and cleared of other files, plug it into the raspberry pi and give it a couple of seconds (some usb come with a light that flashes while using, and static when ready to eject) once done, pull from the pi and I plugged it back into my regular desktop. Now the USB should have a retropie directory and within that a roms folder that contains a folder for each supported emulator.
For example within the roms folder is a snes folder (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) in which you will place all your SNES roms. Through trial and error, I found that placing the unzipped rom file was best verse leaving it zipped or unzipped in a folder ( so not roms/snes/Super\ Mario\ World/Super\ Mario\ World.smc but roms/snes/Super\ Mario\ World.smc) That way when scraper for say, video snap previews, they will run fluidly while scrolling through the roms and see the video, rather than needing to click into the folder, to see the preview of the rom.
Worth knowing: the default hotkey key is select.
combine it with other buttons to make it SUPREME!
of note:
Steven Selphs Scraper
This scraper from what I have found is an upgrade from the default scraper that is built into emulationstation.
To run: ~/Retropie_Setup/ then select * Manage Packages * Manage optional packages * scraper (Bottom of list) * Configure / tools
if running the scraper on the pi itself, expect it to take some time!
Setting up and enjoying the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B (retropie)
Objective Successfully set up the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B with Raspbian OS and Retropie (emulation station).
Also walkthrough of the process to add ROMs as well as using a “scraper” to collect metadata on said ROMs to display box art and/or Video Snaps during menu selection.
Materials You will need at a minimum: (1) Raspberry Pi (I used the Pi 3 Model B) (1) Power source (for low impact stuff an android phone charger worked for me while I waited for an actual power chord to arrive in the mail) (1) hdmi cord (1) Television or Monitor with HDMI capabilities (1) keyboard (1) mouse (X) Game controller(s) (my recommendation is to start with a version of the SNES controller)
Background The reason you would want to set up a Raspberry Pi with retropie is that gaming can be a fun endeavor and to have lots of classics on one device is amazing, especially in a time-frame when backward compatibilities seem to be removed as a function or added with restraints.
You can play Megaman 2 on a 42“ TV!
Procedure 1: With the Pi in hand, you will want to install the heat sinks.
<blockquote>"The larger one goes neatly on the main Broadcom SoC, and the smaller fits on the LAN chip."[1]</blockquote>
References [1]