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user:aforce2:portfolio [2013/11/08 19:39] – [Labs] aforce2user:aforce2:portfolio [2014/01/21 16:20] (current) – [Case Studies] aforce2
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 +=====Case Studies=====
 +===Case Study 0x1: Archive Handling===
 + Learned about Archives:
 +* learned how to compress files with **gzip**
 +Used <cli> cp -r /var/public/unix/archives ~  </cli> to copy to home directory. \\
 +Looking through the manual pages **man gzip**
 +<cli> gunzip archive1.tar.gz </cli> unzipped this\\
 +<cli> unzip </cli>  worked for that file \\
 +<cli> tar -xf arc.tar archives </cli>
 +created the archive
 +I dont believe tar, gzip and zip are all that different just different forms of archiving.
 +===Case Study 0x2: Unconventional Naming===
 +<cli> lab46:~/badname/exercise$ cat one* </cli>
 +and it returned 
 +<cli> spaces, commas, two types of quotes... oh my! </cli>
 +<cli> lab46:~/badname/exercise$ cat '???'* </cli>
 +and it returned
 +<cli> This file has spaces and ?'s in its name. </cli>
 +<cli> lab46:~/badname/exercise$ cat '`ls'* </cli>
 +and it returned
 +<cli> will the weird filenames ever end? </cli>
 +<cli> \ </cli>
 +<cli> lab46:~/badname/exercise$ cat just\ a\ simple\ file.txt </cli>
 +it returned 
 +<cli> Simple, but simpler without the spaces!</cli>
 +<cli> lab46:~/badname/exercise$ cat change\ my\\\ name.file </cli>   
 +it returned
 +<cli>This file has spaces and a backslash in its name.</cli>
 +<cli>lab46:~/badname/exercise$ cat \*\*\*\ watch\ out\!\ \*\*\*</cli> 
 +it returned
 +<cli>Care must be taken when using the '!' symbol, as it deals with history.</cli>
 +Its Interesting on how the "\" removes spaces and symbols such as other slashes and stars.
 +<cli>lab46:~/badname/exercise$ cat "compress \"this\""</cli>
 +it returned 
 +<cli>this file has spaces and double quotes in its name.</cli>
 +I had to use the slashes to remove the quotes from "this"
 +<cli>lab46:~/badname/exercise$ cat "#pico28903#"</cli>
 +it returned
 +<cli>laLAA... pretend this is a pico temp file.</cli>
 +<cli>lab46:~/badname/exercise$ cat "( parenthesis & other odd things )"</cli>
 +it returned
 +<cli>Are we having fun yet?</cli>
 +<cli>lab46:~/badname/exercise$ cat "\$USER VALUE\$" </cli>
 +it returned
 +<cli>Watch out for those $ signs</cli>
 +Had to use the slashes to remove the "$"
 +I was able to remove "- challenge round -" with -- by looking in the man pages:
 +<cli>lab46:~/badname/challenge$ rm -- -\ challenge\ round\ -</cli>
 +===Case Study 0x3: The Puzzle Box===
 +File.txt appears to be ASCII text\\
 +When using cat it says it appears to be a simple text file and contains ASCII text.\\
 +When compressed with gzip and ran with file(1) it returns
 +<cli>file.txt.gz: gzip compressed data, was "file.txt", from Unix, last modified: Fri Dec  6 16:06:32 2013</cli>
 +When compressed with the fastest speed
 +<cli> gzip -1 file.txt</cli>
 +it returns
 +<cli>file.txt.gz: gzip compressed data, was "file.txt", from Unix, last modified: Fri Dec  6 16:06:32 2013, max speed</cli>
 +Using cat on abcd.txt returns random symbols, when running file(1) on it it returned it was a .tar file\\
 +used <cli> tar -xf abcd.txt </cli>
 +===Case Study 0x4: Unix Messaging Tools===
 +1. lwall1 and jkosty6
 +2. a. jkosty6 has messages disabled.
 +b. Write permissions turned off. 
 +3.a. can accept invites but cant join
 +b. lwall1 and jkosty6
 +c. lwall1 and jkosty6
 +e. Esc, S\\
 +===Case Study 0x5: Web Pages===
 +My URL:\\
 +My EX0 URL:
 +My Page Made From Scratch:
 +===Case Study 0x6: Device Files===
 +1.Some files in the /dev folder are:
 +202:1  \\ 202:2 \\  202:3
 +10:1\\    13:32 \\ 1:5
 +2.Filesystems in use:\\
 +/dev/xvda1            4.0G  2.8G  996M  74% / \\
 +tmpfs                 766M      766M   0% /lib/init/rw \\
 +udev                  738M   36K  738M   1% /dev \\
 +tmpfs                 766M  4.0K  766M   1% /dev/shm \\
 +/dev/xvda2            248M   11M  225M   5% /tmp \\
 +nfs:/home             2.8T  1.4T  1.5T  49% /home \\
 +nfs:/lib/mail         2.8T  1.4T  1.5T  49% /var/mail \\
 +4. crw--w---- 1 5841 5 136,  8 Dec 10 15:41 8 \\
 +didn't change... \\
 +6. It does the same thing outputs it to the string except outputting it to \\tty compacts it more and outputs it to the terminal a different way. It seems to run it like a script.
 +7. It just displays it to the terminal. Might be useful for multiple \\terminals, for a superuser that wants to send something to multiple users.
 +===Case Study 0x7: Scheduled Tasks===
 +d. my bot name is mybot
 +e. I used .w 14830 and it told me corning's weather. It was very INTERESTING! and cool
 +if [ `pgrep -u aforce2 python | wc -l` -eq 0 ]; then
 +          cd Downloads/phenny/ | ./phenny
 + echo "I'm Running!!!"
 +===Case Study 0x8: Data Types in C===
 +===Case Study 0x9: Fun with grep===
 +1. grep -o  "coast" pelopwar.txt and the're 9 matches
 +==Lab 0x0==
 +* Learned was Unix was and that it was created Bell Labs in the early 1970's and just progressed from there.
 +* Unix is CASE sensitive!!
 +* Learned how to log into lab46 from home, thrugh windows and linux.
 +* Learned some of the command prompt, what lab46:~$ is...
 + - lab46 is the hostname of the system.
 +- The ”~” (tilde) is a representation of your home directory. 
 +- The “$” symbol represents the end of your prompt. 
 +- The superuser (also known as root) would have a ”#”. 
 +* Pwd shows where you are.
 +* Navagation with "cd"  also cd by itself will take you all the way home.
 +* ls lists the files in the directory
 +* mkdir creates directories,  rmdir removes directory.
 +==Lab 0x1===
 +* Learned the command **ls** which means list, displays all the files in the directory you're in.
 +*Learned the command **cp** which means copy.
 +*Learned the command **mv** which means move.
 +*Learned the command **rm** which means remove.
 +*Learned the command **ln** which means link.  **ln -s** creates a soft link.
 +*Learned the command **man** which followed with what your looking will open up the manual for that topic. 
 +==Lab 0x2==
 +**/bin** - Essential basic tools for normal system usage \\
 +**/etc** - Configuration files\\
 +**/home** - Location of the system's user directories\\
 +**/lib**, - /lib64, /lib32 Contains important system libraries\\
 +**/mnt** - Common place to mount additional filesystems\\
 +**/root** - The superuser's home directory\\
 +**/sbin** - Essential system administration utilities\\
 +**/tmp** - Temporary directory\\
 +**/usr** - Additional (secondary) system functionality & userspace tools\\
 +**/var** - Misc. items (mail files & databases) \\
 +**pwd** prints working directory.
 +==Lab 0x3==
 +*Learned about cat, head and tail commands\\
 +*cat - concatenate files and print on the standard output\\ 
 +*head -16 then filename would show the first 16 lines in the file.\\
 +To enter insert mode, one of the following commands can be used:\\
 +i insert before cursor\\
 +o insert line below\\
 +O insert line above\\
 +a insert after cursor\\
 +To exit insert mode and return to command mode, hit the escape (ESC) key once.\\
 +When in command mode, you may use the following to alter the current file:\\
 +:wq save and exit\\
 +:w save the file\\
 +:q! quit without saving\\
 +ZZ quit and save only if changed\\ 
 +==Lab 0x4==
 +*Kernel - the core of the OS. It handles everything- manages I/O, etc.\\
 +*Drivers - components that instruct the kernel how to function or deal with a piece of hardware.\\
 +*Userspace - non-kernel level. System applications, utilities, files. Users exist here, hence the name “user space”\\
 +Control Code - System Code - Description:\\
 +CTRL-C - INTR - interrupt\\
 +CTRL-D - EOF - issue end of file character\\
 +CTRL-G - sound bell\\
 +CTRL-H - BS - send backspace\\
 +CTRL-J - LF - send linefeed\\
 +CTRL-L - refresh screen\\
 +CTRL-M - CR - send carriage return\\
 +CTRL-Q - XON - start code*\\
 +CTRL-S - XOFF - stop code*\\
 +CTRL-V - escape the following character\\
 +CTRL-Z - SUSPEND - suspend current job\\
 +CTRL-[ - ESC - send escape character \\
 +*ls -a shows hidden files called dotfiles\\
 +**dotfile -    description**\\
 +.bash_profile - The first personal initialization file bash searches\\
 +.bashrc - Session personalization file called by .bash_profile\\
 +.cshrc - A personal initialization file for the csh/tcsh shells\\
 +.exrc - A configuration file for vi/ex\\
 +.signature - Text file containing a signature banner for e-mail\\
 +.plan - A personal banner file that is displayed on finger(1) lookups\\
 +.forward - A file used in automatic e-mail forwarding\\
 +.pinerc - A configuration file for pine\\
 +.vimrc - A configuration file for vim\\
 +*The .bash_history file shows all of you bash history.  All the commands you have entered in the past.
 + Common Environmental Variables Which are identified with $ and ALL CAPS  \\
 +    $PATH
 +    $USER
 +    $TERM
 +    $SHELL
 +Personal Variables are distinguished with lower-case letters.
 +SHELL=/bin/bash \\
 +MAIL=/home/aforce2/Maildir \\
 +TERM=xterm \\
 +PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games:/usr/local/java/bin \\
 +echo $PATH \\
 +alias ls='ls --color=auto' \\
 +Removing the alias removed the color from the ls command. \\
 +===Lab 0x5: More UNIX Shell Explorations===
 +1. b/home/aforce2/shell
 +d.<cli>lab46:~/shell$ touch file1 file2 file3 file4 filea file1234 fileZZZ file41</cli>
 +\\b.<cli>lab46:~/shell$ ls file* 
 +file1  file1234  file2  file3  file4  file41  fileZZZ  filea </cli>
 +d. <cli> ls file? </cli> outputs only the names with one character after the word file.
 +f.It lists file2 and file3 because the search ask's for only a 2 or 3 character after file.
 +h. lists File2 file4 file41 and filea because the search tels it to search file following either a 2, 4 or an a following anything.
 +\\b.File1 now returns the message of the day!
 +\\d. File1 changed into "-This is text-"
 +b. It changed into More text...
 +d. This put file1 and file1234 into file2.  This happened because file* is file with anthing after it and file1 were redirected into file2.
 +b. <cli>lab46:~/shell$ ls file555
 +ls: cannot access file555: No such file or directory</cli>
 +d.The error didn't go away because the file555 doesn't exist.
 +f. The error went away because of the STDERR redirection operator.
 +g. This just used STDIN with cat into file 2
 +b.<cli> lab46:~/shell$ echo $PATH 
 +/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games:/usr/local/java/bin </cli>
 +d. nothing changed because it means the same thing.
 +f. The '' Meant literal string
 +\\a. wc is word count
 +b. wc -l
 +b. <cli>cat /etc/motd | wc -l </cli>
 +c. 19 lines
 +a. ls ????
 +b. ls [amf]*  and 13
 +c.  ls [abc]*[rst]  and 5 
 +11. <cli> lab46:/var/public/unix/shell$ cat 'Long File $PATH for Shell Lab.text'
 +Good work! You're done! </cli>
 +===Lab 0x6: Shell Scripting Concepts===
 +1. -l shows the permissions
 +b. -rw-r--r--
 +c. \ d. chmod 744
 +e. It ran!
 +2. <cli> echo "Enter your birth year"                                                       
 +read birth
 +let age=2013-$birth
 +echo $age
user/aforce2/portfolio.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/21 16:20 by aforce2