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notes:hpc0:kdenson_projects:backup [2010/05/11 19:04] – created kdensonnotes:hpc0:kdenson_projects:backup [2010/05/11 21:21] (current) kdenson
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 +===Project 1 - Linux Install / Linux VM Server Install===  
 +<WRAP round box>Steps to fresh Linux install.</WRAP>
 +  - Insert Disk.
 +  - Select Install.
 +  - Follow the seven walk-through steps that are promted too you.
 +  - When install is complete remove disk and restart the machine.
 +  - Follow steps to set up computer name, ect...
 +  - Enable networking.
 +  - Install updates.
 +  - ?????
 +  - Profit!
 +I did not have to install any extra packages outside of updates, no troubles in need of shooting arose and no files were in need of editing.
 +To set up remote desktop do the following..
 +  - (On your Ubuntu machine) System > Remote Dekstop > General tab; enable "allow other users to view your desktop", enable "allow other users to control your desktop. Set password if desired.
 +  - Install vinagre on second machine.(update the intltool file!)
 +  - Input IP of the machine acting as the server and hit connect.
 +  - You should be remotely viewing the desktop at this point!
 +===Project 3 - Video Wall! ===
 +<WRAP round box>Steps to set up a video wall</WRAP>
 +  - Install the same operating system on both machenes. Setup intstallation, setting names, passwords, ect.
 +==== The following line where done to both systems ====
 +  - Update.  * ' **aptitude update** '
 +  -           ' **aptitude upgrade** '
 +  - Install video driver. We used; **wget** (because we already had this on the lab server)
 +             * **chmod 777** ; to compile the driver
 +             * .**/** ; to install the driver. We ran into some problems here. To get around them we used **'aptitude install build-essential'** and **aptitude install linux-sorce-2.6.31** to bring the system up to date.
 +             * Using the dpkg -l | grep nvidia we found all the nvidia files we needed too, and installed all files that showed up with aptitude install ________
 +===== The following line was done to vidwall and scp to vidwall2 =====
 +             * In the xorg.config file we needed to edit __N__vidia to //n//vidia, and uncomment NoLogo and TwinView lines.
 +             ' **scp /etc/X11/xorg.conf** '
 +  - Next we needed to install Fluxbox to have a window manager; ' **aptitude install fluxbox** ' on both systems
 +             * To set the screens to either act verticly or horizantly under the /etc/X11 directory we needed to edit the xorg.conf file on both systems. Under the "device" section we need to add   **Option "MetaModes"      "1280x1024 +0+0, 1802x1024 +0+0"** 
 +  - Use **xhost +** to enable network communitcations on both machines.
 +  - Use export** DISPLAY=;0** to set the monitors of the second machine to display what is on the first machine.
 +  - Installing Xdmx by using **aptitude install xdmx**, on both machenes. (Make sure both machenes are set to the same resolution)
 +  - At this point we where able to launch the fluxbox desktop on both systems.
 +  - Then we created a confiuration file that looked like this. 
 +                startx -- /usr/bin/X11/Xdmx:1 -display -display -ignorebadfontpaths + xinerana
 +  - Patch Xdmx. We retrived the new patches from [[]] ( and xorg-server_1.6.4-2ubuntu.4.2.diff)
 +  - To patch files and output any errors to an error file, patch -p1 <xorg-server_1.6.4 2>err 
 +  - All of those patched files should be in the /home/vidwall/xorg-server-1.6.4 directory
 +             * config, glx, debian, hw, doc, xkb (all of these should be in the zorg-server-1.6.4 directory)
 +  - To compile these dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc
 +             * Remove old files by aptitude remove xdmx (should remove both xdmx and xdmx-tools
 +             * To install new, dpkg -i packagename
 + At this point we should have had a working system, but we did not. This is what else we tried.
 +  *  We tried to download and install "dmxpict.patch" from the notes page of this wiki, under systems and networking.
 +             * in xorg-server-1.6.4/hw/dmx/dmxpict.c edit the file
 +             * between the line "FIX ME: Handle savng clip region ~" and "DMX_WRAP(Change Picture ~)"
 +             * XRectanle aRect;
 +             * aRect.x = 0; aRect.y = 0;
 +             * Arect.width = 9999 ;
 +             * ARect.height = 9999;
 +             * XRenderSetPictureClipRectangles(dmxScreen->beDisplay, pPictPriv->pict,0,0, &aRect,1);
 +  * When trying to fix the bad fonts issue we...
 +             * cd /usr/share/fonts/X11
 +             * cp fontname fixed.pcf.gz (we chose something that seemed like a 'normal' font name)
 +   <WRAP>NOTE: Because this did not satisfy me I rebuilt the systems using  debian Lenny and this process. Once I got this done and tried to bring up the wall I keep having a problem with the mouse. I then googled the problem. The resolution to the problem ended up being to load Xdmx from debian etch. This worked and I was able to bring up the vidoe wall.</WRAP>
 +===Project 3 - VM Server Install===
 +First step of this project is to do a fresh install of the physical VM server.
 +     - F12 -> System Setup -> Integrated Devices -> Integrated NIC. Restart.
 +     - 32-bit(i386)-> Debian/i386 Netboot.install Lenny Stable[text]
 +     - Setup -> Enter mirror manually -> mirror -> /debian/ 
 +     - Setup install -> install nothing -> install grub boot loader
 +     - Reboot and change the boot prioirty back to normal.
 + * While running as root run the following.... 
 +     - userdel -r vm02
 +     - cd/etc/apt
 +     - rm sources.list
 +     - wget
 +     - aptitude updaate
 +     - aptitude upgrade
 + * Next...
 +     - Aptitude install openssh-client open ssh-server
 +     - aptitude install xen-linux-system-2.26.26-2-xen-686
 +     - aptitude install xen-tools
 + * Next...
 +     - cd /etc/xen
 +     - vi xend-config.sxp
 +         - Find the line (network-script network-bridge) and remove the # to uncomment this line.
 +         - Find the line (network-script network-dummy) and add a # to commentout this line.
 +         - Make sure that (vif-script vif-bridge)
 +         - To quickly find these lines rather than scrolling through hit enter while not in insert mode and use a forward slash(/) and type in what you want to match.
 + * Next...
 +     - vi /etc/modules
 +     - Set loop maxloop = 255
 + * Next...
 +     - cd /boot/grub
 +     - vi menu.lst~
 +     - Scroll down untill you find 4 lines pertaining to xen that do not have a .gz attached to them; remove those lines.
 +     - Do this for the 3rd and 4th group of quad lines as well.
 +     - After you've removed those 3 groups of 4 lines. There should be one remaining, on the line speficied as Kernal change it to match..
 +           * kernel          /boot/xen-3.2-1-i386.gz dom0_mem=262144
 + * Next...          
 +     - cd /etc/xen-tools
 +     - vi xen-tools.conf
 +     - Search for the line #dir = /home/xen
 +     - Remove the # and /home from the line. It should look like dir = /xen
 +     - Uncomment install-method = debootstrap
 +     - Down a little further find the "Disk and Sizing options" section and change the following...
 +           * size = 2Gb
 +           * dist = lenny
 +     - Down further find the line that says dhcp = 1, and uncomment.
 +     - Going further, the line passwd = 1, uncomment.
 +     - serial_device = hvc0 #default, uncomment at the beginning of the line, leave the #default alone.
 +     - A couple lines down, disk_device = xvda #default, uncomment, leave #default the same.
 +     - At the bottom of the file uncomment and change the output line to match 
 +           * output = /xen/conf
 +     - And the same for the extention line, it should read as..
 +           * extension = .cfg
 + * Next
 +     - cd /
 +     - mkdir /xen
 +     - mkdir /xen/images
 +     - mkdir /xen/conf
 +     - mkdir /xen/save
 +           * These can all be done at the same time, like...
 +           * mkdir /xen /xen/images /xen/conf /xen/save
 +At this point you should reboot, and see your final product up and running!
 +===Project 4 - Setting up a Virtual Machine===
 +To do this, you must first have set up the Virtual Machine Server, a how-to on this can be found here...
 +  *
 +You must also claim a VM number for yourself, here (Under the VM server users list.)...
 +  *
 +After you have claimed your territory follow this walkthrough and enjoy your new VM!
 +  *
 +===Project 5 - RAID Arrays===
 +RAID stands for Redudant Array of Inexpensive Disks, it can be incredibly useful for backing up your data, increaseing your disk speed and size, or both!
 +There are different types of RAID arrays, for more information consult [[|this wiki]]
 +<WRAP square box>
 +There are more types of raid than these, but these are the different types I used.
 +   * RAID0 - Two or more disks with stripped data.
 +   * RAID1 - Two or more disks with mirrored data.
 +   * RAID5 - Three or more disks with parity.
 +   * RAID6 - Four or more disks with parity.
 +   * RAID10 - Four or more disks mirrored then stripped.
 +   * RAID01 - Four or more disks stripped then mirrored.
 +   - To setup your virtual disks on your VM, you'll need to be on your VM server (the VM server I used was named vmserver02).
 +     - CD into /xen/conf and open up you're virtual machines .cfg file (my VM was named vm11)
 +     - In your .cfg file you'll want to add disks. To do this; Under the "disk devices" section add..
 +         * 'file:/xen/domains/vm11/disk_1.img,xvda3,w',
 +         * 'file:/xen/domains/vm11/disk_2.img,xvda4,w',
 +         * 'file:/xen/domains/vm11/disk_3.img,xvda5,w',
 +         * 'file:/xen/domains/vm11/disk_4.img,xvda6,w',
 +         * 'file:/xen/domains/vm11/disk_5.img,xvda7,w',
 +         * 'file:/xen/domains/vm11/disk_6.img,xvda8,w',
 +         * 'file:/xen/domains/vm11/disk_7.img,xvda9,w',
 +         * 'file:/xen/domains/vm11/disk_8.img,xvda10,w',
 +    - While still on your server..
 +      - cd /xen/domains/vm11
 +         * dd if=/dev/zero of=disk_1.img bs=1M count=1024
 +         * Do this for all disks, 1 through 8. 
 +         * dd is the data dump command, which will dump the data from the input file (if=/dev/zero) to the output file (of=disk_x.img). The /dev/zero file is a file full of infinate zeros. 
 +         * bs=1M is bit size equals 1 megabyte count=1024, do it 1024 times.
 +      - At this point you'll need to install mdadm, mdadm will configure and allow the RAID array to functnuh.
 +      - Next, run the following 
 +         * modprobe raid0
 +         * modprobe raid1
 +         * modprobe raid5
 +         * modprobe raid6
 +         * modprobe raid01
 +         * modprobe raid10
 +      - Modprobing all the raid types will allow the system to reconize what raids you are going to run.
 +-To create the virtual raid do the following..
 +<WRAP roundbox>
 +    * mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=0 --raid-disks=2 /dev/xvda3 /dev/xvda4
 +    * This uses mdadm to create a new raid. It will uses disks 1 and 2 (xvda3 and xvda4) and set it to level 0.
 +<WRAP roundbox>
 +    * mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-disks=2 /dev/xvda3 /dev/xvda4
 +    * This will do the same thing as raid0, only setting up a raid1 instead of a raid0, obvisouly.
 +<WRAP roundbox>
 +    * mdadm --create /dev/md0 --leve=5 --raid-disks=3 /dev/xvda3 /dev/xvda4 /dev/xvda5
 +    * Like raid0 and raid1 this will set up a raid 5, only it uses three disks instead of two, too account for parity.
 +<WRAP roundbox>
 +    * mdadm --crate /dev/md0 --level=6 --raid-disks=4 /dev/xvda3 /dev/xvda4 /dev/xvda5 /dev/xvda6
 +    * Again, like the previous raids this will set up raid6 using 4 disks.
 +<WRAP roundbox>
 +    * For raid 10, we have to do a little bit more, but really, we're only using the same thing we've all ready done.
 +       - mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=0 --raid-disk=2 /dev/xvda3 /dev/xvda4
 +       - mdadm --create /dev/md1 --leve=0 --raid-disk=2 /dev/xvda5/xvda6
 +    * Here, we are creating 2 raid0 arrays, that we will then use together, as one, in our raid01
 +       - mdadm --create /dev/md2 --level=1 --raid-disks=2 /dev/md0 /dev/md1
 +    * You can see that rather than using the virtual disks, we use the two lower level raid's we set up, to act as the disks in the higher level raid.
 +    * mkfs.ext3 /dev/md0
 +    * mount /dev/md0 /mnt