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notes:asm:intel8085 [2011/04/22 02:48] – [Individual Commands] bewanyknotes:asm:intel8085 [2011/05/01 04:53] (current) – [Register Functions] 4-30 bewanyk
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 +======= Intel 8085 ========
 +The processor of the GODS!  You WISH you were as sexy and amazing as the awe inspiring squishyness that is posessed by those contributing to this processor project!  Maybe if you asked nicely they'd allow you to watch as they conquer the universe...
 +  * Continue working on the other instructions.(Data Transfer Group is completed except for the edit to SHLD and LHLD, Math and Logic have instruction placeholders coded and committed.)
 +  * Build read function to feed interpreter.  Grab - Sort - File - run execute function.
 +  * Branch Group needs to be started.
 +  * Stack group needs to be started.
 +  * LHLD and SHLD need an incrimentation of the 2nd byte in the address at the notated location.
 +  * Is ALL the Logic Group included in the ALU or just part?
 +  * Add a SP (Stack Pointer) and PC (Program Counter) registers in the register class for useage with the registers. 
 +=======Who is doing what========
 +      *Jr018429
 +      *justion
 +      *bewanyk - Working on instructions within the register class (placeholders in place for logic and math). Cleaning and 
 +      *rthatch2 
 +   translating the interpreter (Translator is coded, read function is next.).
 +====8085 Subdirectory is created!====
 +Register is started.  The registers (A, B, C, D, E, H, and L) are indexed by letter.  Bit selection within a register ranges from 1 to 8.
 +Currently .set and .clear functions roughed out (may want to refine them to take individual bit entries and save with tick).  The .rotate (left, insert right, and return orphaned bit) and .shift (right, insert to the left, and return orphaned bit) functions are completed and need test files.
 +Beginnind work on the hex code commands for data transfer activities.  keeping movement as a private function and the hex commands as public functions calling the move function or such as needed.  Should be able to overload the move function for usage with 1, 2, and 3 byte commands.  If it seems to work it can be implemented as a template for a LOT of the other commands, and will make the hassle of coding all the possibilities less so.
 +  * SP and CP registers need to be added.  We should probably include them in the register array and then just incorporate a designation in the regConv function.
 +===Interpreter (to tie things together)===
 +TERP class (for the Interpreter)is going to get the commands and convert them to their appropriate hex code.
 +Public functions will be:
 +  * read function which will accept the assembly file name and then turn everything over to the private side for execution.
 +Private will include:
 +  * A hex decoder, in a set of switch statements which sends commends to the register.
 +  * I'm toying with the idea of just accepting the name of the assembly file and putting the actual 'read from file' function here.
 +===Arithmetic Logic Unit===
 +I've been looking at stuff, and I'm not sure whether we should keep a translator and an interpreter, of just make the memory accessible from the register class. and go from the interpreter straight to the register where the hex command can execute.  thoughts?
 +The memory is accessible from the register class (I've got it included at the moment.  I'm just using the interpreter to change from assembly to the actual hex instruction.  So you can grab from the memory within functions and do what you want with them.  The memory get and put functions are public for the memory block. --BE
 +======Register Class======
 +Right now the Register class contains 7 registers of 8-1bit latches each.  they can be utilized individually or in pairs.
 +The g8sr class is included so all bits are stored as boolean values.  Entire bytes can be moved within the class by passing an entiry g8sr object.
 +The basic functions are held private.
 +The class will accept HEX commands (prefaced with an 'i') and execute the base command for the right register or information based on that input.
 +Register designations within the class are alphabetical.  there is a conversion function [int regConv(char)] which will assign translate the character to the proper register in the array.
 +Flags HAVE been implemented in the Register class, but they are currently in an array.  I think it'll be smoother later if we actually use individual latches named for the apropriate flags.  Flags are boolean values.
 +The MOV r1, r2 opcodes are coded and only need a .h updated for them.
 +The general functions for Logical Ops to rotate right and left, and rotate through carry right and left are coded.  the HEX functions need to be done for them (with some adaptation to make the general function work I think.)
 +Everything I'm looking at for the Register class will require the passing of either a G8SR object or a character.  maybe a translation function for input of actual 8bit data for things like the ADA M opcode? Can anyone thing of a better way to handle raw data passing?
 +The 256kB of memory for the 8085 is being represented by a 2 dimensional array of G8SR class objects.  This means the array is 256X256 with each object conatining 8-1 bit flip flop latches or 1 Byte per object.
 +The MEM class has get, put, private address resolution and memory dump functionality at the moment.
 +Instructions come in one, two, and three byte instructions.
 +| Byte |  |
 +|| One Byte Instruction ||
 +| One | Op Code |
 +|| Two byte instruction ||
 +| One | Op Code |
 +| Two | Data or Address |
 +|| Three byte instructions ||
 +| One | Op Code |
 +| Two |Data or |
 +| Three | Address |
 +==Data Transfer Group==
 +Condition flags are not affected by this group.
 +| Instruction | Effect |
 +| MOV r1, r2 | The content of register r2 is moved to register r1 |
 +| MOV r, M | The content of memory location, whos address is stored in registers H and L, is moved to register r |
 +| MOV M, r | The content of the register r is moved to memory loaction stored in registers H and L |
 +| MVI r, data | The content of byte 2 of the instruction is moved to register r. |
 +| MVI M, data | The content of byte 2 of the instruction is moved to the memory location whose address is stored in H and L |
 +| LXI rp, data 16 | Byte 3 of the instruction is moved to the high order register of the register pair, byte 2 is moved to the low order register. |
 +| LDA addr | content of the memory location, whose address is in byte 3 and 3 of the instruction is loaded into the accumulator |
 +| STA addr | Content of the accumulator is moved to the memory location indicated in bytes 2 and 3. |
 +| LHLD addr | The content of the memory location at the address in bytes 2 and 3 is loaded into register L. The content of the next memory loaction is loaded into register H. |
 +| SHLD addr | The content of register L is loaded into the memory location indicated in bytes 2 and 3.  The content of register H is loaded into the next memory location. |
 +| LDAX rp | the content of the memory location whose address is in the register pair is moved to register A. |
 +| STAX rp | The content of register A is moved to the memory address loaction stored in the register pair.  |
 +| XCHG | The contents of rp H-L are exchanged with the contents of register pair D-L. |
 +==Arithmetic Group==
 +|Instruction| Action | Flags |
 +| ADD r | The content of register r is added to the accumulator and the result is placed in the accumulator | Z,S,P,C,AC |
 +| ADD M | The content of memory at address located in H-L is added to the accumulator and result is placed in the accumulator. | Z,S,P,C,AC |
 +| ADI data | The content of byte 2 is added to the accumulator and result is placed in the accumulator. | Z,S,P,C,AC |
 +| ADC r | The content of register r and the carry flag is added to the accumulator and the result is stored in the accumulator. | Z,S,P,C,AC |
 +| ADC M | The content of the memory at location stored in H-L and the carry flag is added to the accumulator and the result is stored in the accumulator. | Z,S,P,C,AC |
 +| ACI data | The content of the second byte and the carry flag are added to the accumulator and the result is stored in the accumulator. | Z,S,P,C,AC |
 +| SUB r | The content of register r is subtracted from the accumulator and the result is stored in the accumulator. | Z,S,P,C,AC |
 +| SUB M | The content of memory location stored in H-L is subtracted from the accumulator and the result is stored in the accumulator. | Z,S,P,C,AC |
 +| SUI data | The content of the second byte is subtracted from the accumulator and the result is stored in the accumulator. | Z,S,P,C,AC |
 +| SBB r |  The content of the register r and the carry flag are subtracted from the accumulator, and the result is sotred in the accumulator. | Z,S,P,C,AC |
 +| SBB M | The content of the memory location stored in H-L and the carry flag are subtracted from the accumulator and the result is stored in the accumulator. | Z,S,P,C,AC |
 +| SBI data | The content of the second byte and the carry flag are subtracted from the accumulator and the result is stored in the accumulator. | Z,S,P,C,AC |
 +| INR r | The content of register r is incremented by 1. | Z,S,P,AC |
 +| INR M | The content of memory at location stored in H-L is incremented by 1. | Z,S,P,AC |
 +| DCR r | The content of the register r is decrimented by 1. | Z,S,P,AC |
 +| DCR M | The content of memory location stored in H-L is decrimented by 1. | Z,S,P,AC |
 +| INX rp | The content of register pair rp is incremented by 1. |   |
 +| DCX rp | The content of register pair rp is decrimented by 1. |   |
 +| DAD rp | The content of register pair rp is added to the register pair H-L.  If there is a carry, C is set otherwise C is reset. | C |
 +| DAA | The 8-bit number in the accumulator is adjusted to form two four bit Binary-Coded-Decimal digits. | Z,S,P,C,AC |
 +==Logical Group==
 +| ANA r | content of register r is logically ANDed with the accumulator. The result is placed in the accumulator. | Z,S,P,C,AC |
 +| ANA M | content of memory location whose address is stored in H-L is logically ANDed with accumulator. The result is placed in the accumulator. | Z,S,P,C,AC |
 +| ANI data | content of byte 2 is logically ANDed with the accumulator and the result is stored in the Accumulator. | 
 +| XRA r | the content of the register r is XORed with the content of the accumulator and the result is stored in the accumulator. |
 +| XRA M | The content of the memory location whose address is stored in H-L is XORed with the accumulator and the result is stored in the accumulator. |
 +| XRI data | The content of the second byte is XORed with A and the result is stored in A. |
 +| ORA r | The content of the register r is inclusive ORed with A and the result is stored in A. |
 +| ORA M | The content of the memory location whose address is stored in H-L is ORed with A and the result is stored in A. |
 +| ORI data | The content of the second byte of the instruction is ORed with A and the result is stored in A. |
 +| CMP r | The content of the register r is subtracted from A.  A remains unchanged.  Condition flags are set as a result. |
 +| CMP M | The content of the memory location whose address is stored in H-L is subtracted from A.  A remains unchanged.  Condition flags are set. |
 +| CPI data | The content of the second byte of the instruction is subtracted from the accumulator.  The accumulator remains unchanged.  Condition flags are set. |
 +| RLC | The content of the accumulator is rotated left one position. (done needs refine for HEX) |
 +| RRC | The content of the accumulator is rotated right one position. (done needs refine for HEX)|
 +| RAL | Rotate left through carry. (done)|
 +| RAR | Rotate right through carry. (done)|
 +| CMA | The accumulator is complimented (0s become 1s and 1s become 0s) |
 +| CMC | The carry flag is complimented. |
 +| STC | The carry flag is set to 1. |
 +==Branch Group==
 +| JMP addr |   |
 +| Jcondition addr |   |
 +| CALL addr |   |
 +| Ccondition addr |   |
 +| RET |   |
 +| Rcondition |   |
 +| RST n |   |
 +| PCHL |   |
 +==Stack I/O and Machine Command Group==
 +| PUSH rp |   |
 +| PUSH PSW |   |
 +| POP rp |   |
 +| POP PSW |   |
 +| XTHL |   |
 +| SPHL |   |
 +| IN port |   |
 +| OUT port |   |
 +| EI |   |
 +| DI |   |
 +| HLT |   |
 +| NOP |   |
 +| RIM |   |
 +| SIM |   |
 +=====Individual Commands=====
 +|  Data Transfer Group  |||
 +|  Command  |  Binary  |  Hex  |
 +|  MOV A, B  |  01111000  |  0x78  |
 +|  MOV A, C  |  01111001  |  0x79  |
 +|  MOV A, D  |  01111010  |  0x7A  |
 +|  MOV A, E  |  01111011  |  0x7B  |
 +|  MOV A, H  |  01111100  |  0x7C  |
 +|  MOV A, L  |  01111101  |  0x7D  |
 +|  MOV B, A  |  01000111  |  0x47  |
 +|  MOV B, C  |  01000001  |  0x41  |
 +|  MOV B, D  |  01000010  |  0x42  |
 +|  MOV B, E  |  01000011  |  0x43  |
 +|  MOV B, H  |  01000100  |  0x44  |
 +|  MOV B, L  |  01000101  |  0x45  |
 +|  MOV C, A  |  01001111  |  0x4F  |
 +|  MOV C, B  |  01001000  |  0x48  |
 +|  MOV C, D  |  01001010  |  0x4A  |
 +|  MOV C, E  |  01001011  |  0x4B  |
 +|  MOV C, H  |  01001100  |  0x4C  |
 +|  MOV C, L  |  01001101  |  0x4D  |
 +|  MOV D, A  |  01010111  |  0x57  |
 +|  MOV D, B  |  01010000  |  0x50  |
 +|  MOV D, C  |  01010001  |  0x51  |
 +|  MOV D, E  |  01010011  |  0x53  |
 +|  MOV D, H  |  01010100  |  0x54  |
 +|  MOV D, L  |  01010101  |  0x55  |
 +|  MOV E, A  |  01011111  |  0x5F  |
 +|  MOV E, B  |  01011000  |  0x58  |
 +|  MOV E, C  |  01011001  |  0x59  |
 +|  MOV E, D  |  01011010  |  0x5A  |
 +|  MOV E, H  |  01011100  |  0x5C  |
 +|  MOV E, L  |  01011101  |  0x5D  |
 +|  MOV H, A  |  01100111  |  0x67  |
 +|  MOV H, B  |  01100000  |  0x60  |
 +|  MOV H, C  |  01100001  |  0x61  |
 +|  MOV H, D  |  01100010  |  0x62  |
 +|  MOV H, E  |  01100011  |  0x63  |
 +|  MOV H, L  |  01100101  |  0x65  |
 +|  MOV L, A  |  01101111  |  0x6F  |
 +|  MOV L, B  |  01101000  |  0x68  |
 +|  MOV L, C  |  01101001  |  0x69  |
 +|  MOV L, D  |  01101010  |  0x6A  |
 +|  MOV L, E  |  01101011  |  0x6B  |
 +|  MOV L, H  |  01101100  |  0x6C  |
 +|  MOV A, M  |  01111110  |  0x7E  |
 +|  MOV B, M  |  01000110  |  0x46  |
 +|  MOV C, M  |  01001110  |  0x4E  |
 +|  MOV D, M  |  01010110  |  0x56  |
 +|  MOV E, M  |  01011110  |  0x5E  |
 +|  MOV M, A  |  01110111  |  0x77  |
 +|  MOV M, B  |  01110000  |  0x70  |
 +|  MOV M, C  |  01110001  |  0x71  |
 +|  MOV M, D  |  01110010  |  0x72  |
 +|  MOV M, E  |  01110011  |  0x73  |
 +|  MVI A, data  |  00111110  |  0x3E  |
 +|  MVI B, data  |  00000110  |  0x06  |
 +|  MVI C, data  |  00001110  |  0x0E  |
 +|  MVI D, data  |  00010110  |  0x16  |
 +|  MVI E, data  |  00011110  |  0x1E  |
 +|  MVI H, data  |  00100110  |  0x26  |
 +|  MVI L, data  |  00101110  |  0x2E  |
 +|  MVI M, data  |  00110110  |  0x36  |
 +|  LXI B-C, data 16  |  00000001  |  0x01  |
 +|  LXI D-E, data 16  |  00010001  |  0x11  |
 +|  LXI H-L, data 16  |  00100001  |  0x21  |
 +|  LXI SP, data 16  |  00110001  |  0x31  |
 +|  LDA addr  |  00111010  |  0x3A  |
 +|  STA addr  |  00110010  |  0x32  |
 +|  LHLD addr  |  00101010  |  0x2A  |
 +|  SHLD addr  |  00100010  |  0x22  |
 +|  LDAX B-C  |  00001010  |  0x0A  |
 +|  LDAX D-E  |  00011010  |  0x1A  |
 +|  LDAX H-L  |  00101010  |  0x2A  |
 +|  LDAX SP  |  00111010  |  0x3A  |
 +|  STAX B-C  |  00000010  |  0x02  |
 +|  STAX D-E  |  00010010  |  0x12  |
 +|  STAX H-L  |  00100010  |  0x22  |
 +|  XCHG  |  11101011  |  0xEB  |
 +|  Arithmetic Group  |||
 +|  ADD B  |  10000000  |  0x80  |
 +|  ADD C  |  10000001  |  0x81  |
 +|  ADD D  |  10000010  |  0x82  |
 +|  ADD E  |  10000011  |  0x83  |
 +|  ADD H  |  10000100  |  0x84  |
 +|  ADD L  |  10000101  |  0x85  |
 +|  ADD M  |  10000110  |  0x86  |
 +|  ADI data  |  11000110  |  0xC6  |
 +|  ADC B  |  10001000  |  0x88  |
 +|  ADC C  |  10001001  |  0x89  |
 +|  ADC D  |  10001010  |  0x8A  |
 +|  ADC E  |  10001011  |  0x8B  |
 +|  ADC H  |  10001100  |  0x8C  |
 +|  ADC L  |  10001101  |  0x8D  |
 +|  ADC M  |  10001110  |  0x8E  |
 +|  ACI data  |  11001110  |  0xCE  |
 +|  SUB B  |  10010000  |  0x90  |
 +|  SUB C  |  10010001  |  0x91  |
 +|  SUB D  |  10010010  |  0x92  |
 +|  SUB E  |  10010011  |  0x93  |
 +|  SUB H  |  10010100  |  0x94  |
 +|  SUB L  |  10010101  |  0x95  |
 +|  SUB M  |  10010110  |  0x96  |
 +|  SUI data  |  11010110  |  0xD6  |
 +|  SBB B  |  10011000  |  0x98  |
 +|  SBB C  |  10011001  |  0x99  |
 +|  SBB D  |  10011010  |  0x9A  |
 +|  SBB E  |  10011011  |  0x9B  |
 +|  SBB H  |  10011100  |  0x9C  |
 +|  SBB L  |  10011101  |  0x9D  |
 +|  SBB M  |  10011110  |  0x9E  |
 +|  SBI data  |  11011110  |  0xDE  |
 +|  INR A  |  00111100  |  0x3C  |
 +|  INR B  |  00000100  |  0x04  |
 +|  INR C  |  00001100  |  0x0C  |
 +|  INR D  |  00010100  |  0x14  |
 +|  INR E  |  00011100  |  0x1C  |
 +|  INR H  |  00100100  |  0x24  |
 +|  INR L  |  00101100  |  0x2C  |
 +|  INR M  |  00110100  |  0x34  |
 +|  DCR A  |  00111101  |  0x3D  |
 +|  DCR B  |  00000101  |  0x05  |
 +|  DCR C  |  00001101  |  0x0D  |
 +|  DCR D  |  00010101  |  0x15  |
 +|  DCR E  |  00011101  |  0x1D  |
 +|  DCR H  |  00100101  |  0x25  |
 +|  DCR L  |  00101101  |  0x2D  |
 +|  DCR M  |  00110101  |  0x35  |
 +|  INX B-C  |  00000011  |  0x03  |
 +|  INX D-E  |  00010011  |  0x13  |
 +|  INX H-L  |  00100011  |  0x23  |
 +|  INX SP  |  00110011  |  0x33  |
 +|  DCX B-C  |  00001011  |  0x0B  |
 +|  DCX D-E  |  00011011  |  0x1B  |
 +|  DCX H-L  |  00101011  |  0x2B  |
 +|  DCX SP  |  00111011  |  0x3B  |
 +|  DAD B-C  |  00001001  |  0x09  |
 +|  DAD D-E  |  00011001  |  0x19  |
 +|  DAA  |  00100111  |  0x27  |
 +|  Logical Group  |||
 +|  ANA B  |  10100000  |  0xA0  |
 +|  ANA C  |  10100001  |  0xA1  |
 +|  ANA D  |  10100010  |  0xA2  |
 +|  ANA E  |  10100011  |  0xA3  |
 +|  ANA H  |  10100100  |  0xA4  |
 +|  ANA L  |  10100101  |  0xA5  |
 +|  ANA M  |  10100110  |  0xA6  |
 +|  ANI data  |  11100110  |  0xD6  |
 +|  XRA B  |  10101000  |  0xA8  |
 +|  XRA C  |  10101001  |  0xA9  |
 +|  XRA D  |  10101010  |  0xAA  |
 +|  XRA E  |  10101011  |  0xAB  |
 +|  XRA H  |  10101100  |  0xAC  |
 +|  XRA L  |  10101101  |  0xAD  |
 +|  XRA M  |  10101110  |  0xAE  |
 +|  XRI data  |  11101110  |  0xEE  |
 +|  ORA B  |  10110000  |  0xB0  |
 +|  ORA C  |  10110001  |  0xB1  |
 +|  ORA D  |  10110010  |  0xB2  |
 +|  ORA E  |  10110011  |  0xB3  |
 +|  ORA H  |  10110100  |  0xB4  |
 +|  ORA L  |  10110101  |  0xB5  |
 +|  ORA M  |  10110110  |  0xB6  |
 +|  ORI data  |  11110110  |  0xF6  |
 +|  CMP B  |  10111000  |  0xB8  |
 +|  CMP C  |  10111001  |  0xB9  |
 +|  CMP D  |  10111010  |  0xBA  |
 +|  CMP E  |  10111011  |  0xBB  |
 +|  CMP H  |  10111100  |  0xBC  |
 +|  CMP L  |  10111101  |  0xBD  |
 +|  CMP M  |  10111110  |  0xBE  |
 +|  CPI data  |  11111110  |  0xFE  |
 +|  RLC  |  00000111  |  0x05  |
 +|  RRC  |  00001111  |  0x0F  |
 +|  RAL  |  00010111  |  0x17  |
 +|  RAR  |  00011111  |  0x1F  |
 +|  CMA  |  00101111  |  0x2F  |
 +|  CMC  |  00111111  |  0x3F  |
 +|  STC  |  00110111  |  0x37  |
 +|  Branch Group  |||
 +|  JMP addr  |  11000011  |  0xC3  |
 +|  JNZ addr  |  11000010  |  0xC2  |
 +|  JZ addr  |  11001010  |  0xCA  |
 +|  JNC addr  |  11010010  |  0xD2  |
 +|  JC addr  |  11011010  |  0xDA  |
 +|  JPO addr  |  11100010  |  0xE2  |
 +|  JPE addr  |  11101010  |  0xEA  |
 +|  JP addr  |  11110010  |  0xF2  |
 +|  JM addr  |  11111010  |  0xFA  |
 +|  CALL addr  |  11001101  |  0xCD  |
 +|  CNZ addr  |  11000100  |  0xC4  |
 +|  CZ addr  |  11001100  |  0xCC  |
 +|  CNC addr  |  11010100  |  0xD4  |
 +|  CC addr  |  11011100  |  0xDC  |
 +|  CPO addr  |  11100100  |  0xE4  |
 +|  CPE addr  |  11101100  |  0xEC  |
 +|  CP addr  |  11110100  |  0xF4  |
 +|  CM addr  |  11111100  |  0xFC  |
 +|  RET  |  11001001  |  0xC9  |
 +|  RNZ  |  11000000  |  0xC0  |
 +|  RZ  |  11001000  |  0xC8  |
 +|  RNC  |  11010000  |  0xD0  |
 +|  RC  |  11011000  |  0xD8  |
 +|  RPO  |  11100000  |  0xE0  |
 +|  RPE  |  11101000  |  0xE8  |
 +|  RP  |  11110000  |  0xF0  |
 +|  RM  |  11111000  |  0xF8  |
 +|  RST n  |  11nnn111  |  0x  |
 +|  PCHL  |  11101001  |  0xE9  |
 +=====Register Functions===== 
 +regConv(char): converts the character designation for a register into the appropriate numerical designation.
 +clear(): Clears all registers.
 +clear(char): Clears a single register by ANDing all bits by 0.
 +clear(char, char): Clears two registers (usefull for zeroing a register pair.)
 +set(char, G8SR):puts a 8bit value in the designated register.
 +set(char, G8SR, char, G8SR): useful for loading a register pair as it puts an 8bit value in designated registers.
 +get(char): returns a G8SR object from the indicated register.
 +shift(char, bool): Shifts indicated register to the right, inserting the supplied bit to the left and returning the ejected bit.
 +rotate(char, bool): Rotates the indicated register to the left, inserting the supplied bit to the right and returning the ejected bit.
 +a function that ands the accumulator with another register and returns the result to the accumulator.