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ntr0 (due 20210203)
pct1 (bonus; due 20210203)
wcp1 (due 20210203)
spp0 (due 20210210)
pct2 (due 20210210)
wcp2 (due 20210210)
spp1 (due 20210217)
pct3 (bonus; due 20210217)
wcp3 (due 20210217)
spp2 (due 20210224)
pct4 (bonus; due 20210224)
wcp4 (due 20210224)
spp3 (due 20210303)
pct5 (bonus; due 20210303)
wcp5 (due 20210303)
spp4 (due 20210310)
pct6 (due 20210310)
wcp6 (due 20210310)
spp5 (due 20210317)
pct7 (bonus; due 20210317)
wcp7 (due 20210317)
spp6 (due 20210324)
pct8 (due 20210324)
wcp8 (due 20210324)
spp7 (due 20210331)
pct9 (bonus; due 20210331)
wcp9 (due 20210331)
spp8 (due 20210407)
pctA (due 20210407)
wcpA (due 20210407)
spp9 (due 20210414)
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wcpB (due 20210414)
sppA (due 20210421)
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pctD (bonus; due 20210428)
wcpD (bonus; due 20210428)
pctE (bonus; due 20210505)
wcpE (bonus; due 20210505)
EoCE (due 20210512)

This is an old revision of the document!

Corning Community College

CSCS2730 Systems Programming

Systems Programming Progress (sppX)


To immerse yourself in relevant and important aspects of library API, documentation, OS facilities, and other systems-level programming functionality, aided by the “Understanding UNIX/Linux Programming: A Guide to Theory and Practice” book that we will spend the semester exploring.


Each week, throughout the semester, the aim will be to focus on a chapter in the book:

  • reading the chapter
  • discussing the chapter (in the class discord)
  • experimenting/playing with the content in your own code
  • implementing some UNIX tool or program that incorporates content covered in the given chapter (and where applicable, builds upon previous chapters). While not exclusively limited to programming problems at the end of each chapter, they are a good starting point (clear with me any deviations from that pattern).

The outline of semester progress:

week project chapter points per item (PTS) TOTAL
2 spp0 Chapters 1 and 2 1 13
3 spp1 Chapter 3 2 26
4 spp2 Chapter 4 2 26
5 spp3 Chapter 5 3 39
6 spp4 Chapter 6 3 39
7 spp5 Chapter 7 4 52
8 spp6 Chapter 8 4 52
9 spp7 Chapter 9 5 65
10 spp8 Chapter 10 5 65
11 spp9 Chapter 11 6 78
12 sppA Chapter 12 6 78
13-15 eoce Chapters 13, 14, 15
TOTAL:sppX:final tally of results (TOTAL/TOTAL)
*:sppX:LATE penalty (3 days) [-ALL]
*:sppX:post picture of prototype to #desig discord channel [6/6]
*:sppX:post picture to #desig by Sunday before deadline [1/1]
*:sppX:grabit the code on lab46 by Sunday before deadline [1/1]
*:sppX:code is pushed to lab46 repository [6/6]
*:sppX:no negative compiler messages for program [6/6]
*:sppX:proper output formatting per specifications [6/6]
haas/spring2021/sysprog/projects/sppx.1611839311.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/28 13:08 by wedge