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haas:spring2019:hpc0:projects:pct0 [2019/04/08 18:25] – [Background] wedgehaas:spring2019:hpc0:projects:pct0 [2019/04/09 15:19] (current) – [Objective] wedge
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 To continue to cultivate your problem solving, critical thinking, analytical, and observation skills; to apply your skills on the UNIX command-line. To continue to cultivate your problem solving, critical thinking, analytical, and observation skills; to apply your skills on the UNIX command-line.
 +The aim here is on observation, analysis, and documentation. You are solving and documenting a problem by hand, NOT writing any sort of program.
 =====Background===== =====Background=====
 The true nature of problem solving frequently involves critical thinking, analytical, and observation skills. Where problems are not solved by memorizing some pre-defined set of answers and regurgitating them mindlessly, but in crafting an elaborate solution from subtle cues and tested, experimental realizations. The true nature of problem solving frequently involves critical thinking, analytical, and observation skills. Where problems are not solved by memorizing some pre-defined set of answers and regurgitating them mindlessly, but in crafting an elaborate solution from subtle cues and tested, experimental realizations.
haas/spring2019/hpc0/projects/pct0.1554747951.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/08 18:25 by wedge