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  • int0 (due 20150128)
  • EoCE - check bottom of Opus (due 20150514 by 4:30pm)

This is an old revision of the document!

Table of Contents

Corning Community College

CSIT1320 HPC Fundamentals

Assignments, Documents, Information, and Projects


  • int0 (due 20150128)

Week 12

  • EoCE has been deployed! Sign in to the wiki and check the bottom of your Opus. You have until Thursday, May 14th, 2015 by 4:30pm (16:30:00) to complete it.
  • NOTE: We will not have class on Tuesday, April 21st, 2015; I will be away at a conference.

Week 1

  • Welcome! I've wrapped all the initial activities into one project, int0, that I'd like you to perform by the given deadline (by 11:59:59pm / 23:59:59).
haas/spring2015/hpc0/projects.1429452347.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/19 14:05 by wedge