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Corning Community College

CSCS2320 Data Structures


Project: SLL rewrite


As promised, here is one of your code rewriting opportunities for the semester- rewriting your singly-linked list code into a multi-file codebase with a Makefile to aid in our compiling efforts.


For this project, you'll need to obtain a specially assembled source tree. By default, these instructions will copy that code into ~/src/data/sll1/; if you have been placing your Data Structures code in a different location, you'll have to manually run a copy.

Step 0. Change into project directory

The code is located in the Public Directory for the class:

lab46:~$ cd /var/public/data/spring2014/sll1

Step 1a. Use the Makefile to copy your code

lab46:/var/public/data/spring2014/sll1$ make copy

Step 1b. Manually copy code to specified location

Let's say you've been putting your code under ~/src/dataStruct:

lab46:/var/public/data/spring2014/sll1$ cd ..
lab46:/var/public/data/spring2014$ cp -a sll1 $HOME/src/dataStruct/


This project codebase has a number of directories, which you should explore and familiarize yourself with their contents:

  • inc - project-specific header files
  • lib - compiled and archived libraries will go here (empty by default)
  • src - source code for the node and list operations
    • node - source code for node stuff
    • list - source code for list stuff
  • testing - various unit tests helping to verify correct implementation

There are files by the name of 'Makefile' floating around in several of these directories. For now, you shouldn't have any need to modify them. We're merely going to use them.

Note that, unless there is some typo or other errata issued, the header files will need no modification- use them for reference only.


To make this whole thing work for us, we use the make utility, from the base of the project tree.


To see a list of options:

lab46:~/src/data/sll1$ make help

****************[ Data Structures List Implementation ]*****************
** make                     - build everything                        **
** make debug               - build everything with debug symbols     **
**                                                                    **
** make testing             - build unit tests                        **
** make testing-debug       - build unit tests with debugging symbols **
** make libs                - build all supporting libraries          **
** make libs-debug          - build all libraries with debug symbols  **
**                                                                    **
** make clean               - clean; remove all objects/compiled code **
** make help                - this information                        **

To build

To build everything, simply typing make (or “make debug”) from the base of the project directory.

Watch for any warnings/errors… especially with debug, there should be plenty of on-screen information to indicate where problems may be.

To test

From within the testing/ subdirectory, running make (or make debug) will compile the various testing programs.

Note that, in order for these to compile successfully, the prerequisite node and list libraries must have been successfully compiled and library files stored in lib/


Should any typos be identified and fixes released, or additional code included after you have obtained your original copy, you can synchronize your copy with the main version by doing the following:

lab46:~/src/data/sll1$ make update

If there are any issued updates, you'll see output indicating them being applied. If any existing files are changed, a best effort is made to make backup copies, so risk of losing any work will hopefully be minimal (you should still be tracking this whole thing in version control just in case).


To submit the project, you will need to create an archive and submit that using the submit tool:

lab46:~/src/data/sll1$ make clean
lab46:~/src/data/sll1$ make archive
haas/spring2014/data/projects/sll_rewrite.1393021876.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/02/21 22:31 by wedge