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haas:spring2014:common:grading_policy [2013/01/21 22:36] – external edit [2014/01/20 23:04] (current) wedge
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   * course-specific information is contained within the appropriately named wiki section   * course-specific information is contained within the appropriately named wiki section
-  * includes at more than 2 unique entries per reporting period+  * at least one significant journal entry per week (or multiple less significant entries)
   * is appropriately descriptive/documents activities/discoveries related to your travels through the course   * is appropriately descriptive/documents activities/discoveries related to your travels through the course
   * possesses enough itemization to document that a given number of hours was spend on course activities   * possesses enough itemization to document that a given number of hours was spend on course activities
   * makes connection/reference between documented course activities and course objectives   * makes connection/reference between documented course activities and course objectives
-There can be a template provided that can be modified to meet these and other requirements. 
-These and additional requirements, specific to the course, will be presented in a follow-up document. 
 ====Journal==== ====Journal====
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 Maintaining an ever present effort in your journey with respect to being present for class gatherings and making your presence known is an important aspect to academic interactions. Maintaining an ever present effort in your journey with respect to being present for class gatherings and making your presence known is an important aspect to academic interactions.
-During class (be it a formal gathering, hybrid, or internet experience), you are to show your presence through demonstrating regular interactive activity on lab46 and related resources (irc, mailing list, the wiki). For classes with scheduled times, a bulk of this can be satisfied merely by having a shell open to Lab46, before class activities are underway. Your presence will be automatically ascertained and recorded. For more internet-based endeavors, more of the emphasis will be on communications taking place with the entire class.+During class (be it a formal gathering, hybrid, or internet experience), you are to show your presence through demonstrating regular interactive activity on lab46 and related resources (irc, mailing list, the wiki). For classes with scheduled times, a bulk of this can be satisfied merely by having a shell open to Lab46, before class activities are underway. Your presence will be automatically ascertained and recorded. For more internet-based endeavors, more of the emphasis will be on communications taking place with the entire class and shell-based activity on Lab46.
 Participating in class interactions is also of significant importance. Participation is like the "I care" component of your grade. If you care enough to learn and help enhance the experience, you will have no trouble here. If you are disruptive or are not putting forth effort, however, then it will be duly reflected. Participating in class interactions is also of significant importance. Participation is like the "I care" component of your grade. If you care enough to learn and help enhance the experience, you will have no trouble here. If you are disruptive or are not putting forth effort, however, then it will be duly reflected.
 This isn't a "kiss up to the teacher" grade. I don't want people bending over backwards to please me. I want to see people learning and asking questions and growing, not agreeing with everything I say. Sometimes I will specifically ask questions or say things for the sole purpose of getting individual perspectives. This isn't a "kiss up to the teacher" grade. I don't want people bending over backwards to please me. I want to see people learning and asking questions and growing, not agreeing with everything I say. Sometimes I will specifically ask questions or say things for the sole purpose of getting individual perspectives.
 +Additionally, participation and successful performance in the class relies upon each individual coming to class prepared and being adequately rested. Should you come to class sleep deprived you risk losing participation credit. Education requires a sound mind and body; anything less is a disservice to you and the course.
 Participation is the contribution of YOU to the overall class, in a positive and harmonious manner to the overall group :) Participation is the contribution of YOU to the overall class, in a positive and harmonious manner to the overall group :)
 +If you anticipate missing a class, please notify me in advance. While you may still lose participation credit, the advance notice will be taken into positive consideration.
 ====ParticipationInternet==== ====ParticipationInternet====
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 Deficiency in these activities will negatively impact your performance in this area. Deficiency in these activities will negatively impact your performance in this area.
haas/spring2014/common/grading_policy.1358807780.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/01/20 23:04 (external edit)