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ntr0 (due 20200826)
pct1 (bonus; due 20200821)
wcp1 (due 20200821)
fwf0 (due 20200826)
pct2 (due 20200826)
wcp2 (due 20200826)
sof0 (due 20200902)
pct3 (bonus; due 20200902)
wcp3 (due 20200902)
lob0 (due 20200909)
pct4 (bonus; due 20200909)
wcp4 (due 20200909)
dow0 (due 20200916)
pct5 (bonus; due 20200916)
wcp5 (due 20200916)
afn0 (due 20200923)
pct6 (due 20200923)
wcp6 (due 20200923)
cbf0 (due 20200930)
pct7 (bonus; due 20200930)
wcp7 (due 20200930)
sam0 (due 20201007)
pct8 (due 20201007)
wcp8 (due 20201007)
cnv0 (due 20201014)
gfo0 (due 20201014)
pct9 (bonus; due 20201014)
wcp9 (due 20201014)
cnv1 (due 20201021)
pctA (due 20201021)
wcpA (due 20201021)
cos0 (due 20201028)
pctB (bonus; due 20201028)
wcpB (due 20201028)
pctC (due 20201104)
wcpC (due 20201104)
pctD (bonus; due 20201111)
wcpD (bonus; due 20201111)
pctE (bonus; due 20201118)
wcpE (bonus; due 20201118)
eoce (due 20201125)

This is an old revision of the document!

Table of Contents

Corning Community College

CSCS1320 C/C++ Programming

Assignments, Documents, Information, and Projects


ntr0 (due 20200826)
pct1 (bonus; due 20200821)
wcp1 (due 20200821)
fwf0 (due 20200826)
pct2 (due 20200826)
wcp2 (due 20200826)
sof0 (due 20200902)
pct3 (bonus; due 20200902)
wcp3 (due 20200902)
lob0 (due 20200909)
pct4 (bonus; due 20200909)
wcp4 (due 20200909)
dow0 (due 20200916)
pct5 (bonus; due 20200916)
wcp5 (due 20200916)
afn0 (due 20200923)
pct6 (due 20200923)
wcp6 (due 20200923)
cbf0 (due 20200930)
pct7 (bonus; due 20200930)
wcp7 (due 20200930)
sam0 (due 20201007)
pct8 (due 20201007)
wcp8 (due 20201007)
cnv0 (due 20201014)
gfo0 (due 20201014)
pct9 (bonus; due 20201014)
wcp9 (due 20201014)

Class Stats

  • status (coming at some point)


Week 1

  • Welcome! I've wrapped some initial activities into the cci0 project, that I'd like you to perform by the given deadlines (by 11:59:59pm / 23:59:59 on posted day).
  • If you've never used a UNIX system before, I'd recommend reading UNIX for the Beginning Mage; it is short, and likely one of the best reads you'll ever have.
  • Get familiar with how to log onto Lab46, and once on:
    • change to your src/ subdirectory
    • create/edit .c files (such as hello.c), and learn how to save/exit
    • compile the C program (.c file(s)) into an executable with gcc
    • execute the compiled C program (the executable) by specifying a path: ./program_name
  • I've also early released next week's project this week (a pattern I hope to maintain), should people really like to get a leg up on things (fwf0).
haas/fall2020/cprog/projects.1600901717.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/09/23 22:55 by wedge