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haas:fall2020:cprog:projects:cos0 [2020/10/19 13:17] – [Submission] wedgehaas:fall2020:cprog:projects:cos0 [2020/10/19 20:14] (current) – [Raspberry Pi command-line via SSH/MOSH] wedge
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 Now, gd has functions for drawing circles. You are **NOT** to use them for this project. As I said, this is a circle //of squares//. As such, you will be making use of the **gdImageFilledRectangle()** function. Now, gd has functions for drawing circles. You are **NOT** to use them for this project. As I said, this is a circle //of squares//. As such, you will be making use of the **gdImageFilledRectangle()** function.
-====getting started==== 
-You may make use of the following skeleton program to assist you in doing this project. 
-Note that this code is not in conformance with project specifications, but is provided to give you a starting place for modifications and additions: 
-<code c> 
- * cos0.c   - skeleton code to use the GD graphics library 
-                        to create an image (circle of squares). 
- * 
- * To compile: type 'make' to compile the program 
-         or: gcc --std=c99 -Wall -o cos0 cos0.c -lgd 
- * To execute: ./cos0 ARGS 
- * 
- * Documentation: 
- */ 
-#include <stdio.h> 
-#include <stdlib.h> 
-#include <string.h> 
-#include <sys/stat.h> 
-#include <gd.h> 
-// color values 
-#define BLACK       0 
-#define BLUE        1 
-#define GREEN       2 
-#define RED         3 
-#define WHITE       4 
-int main(int argc, char **argv) 
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
-        // 
-        // Declare variables 
-        // 
-        char               *outfile;    // name out of the output file 
-        FILE               *out;        // output file pointer 
-        gdImagePtr          img;        // GD Image Construct 
-        unsigned int        color[5];   // color array 
-        unsigned short int  wide, high; // image attributes 
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
-        // 
-        // Check arguments 
-        // 
-        if (argc     == 2) 
-        { 
-                outfile   = *(argv+1); 
-                fprintf(stdout, "Using '%s' as output filename\n", outfile); 
-        } 
-        else 
-        { 
-                outfile   = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char) * 64); 
-                sprintf(outfile, "/home/%s/public_html/cos0.png", getenv("USER")); 
-        } 
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
-        // 
-        // image dimensions 
-        // 
-        wide          = 600; 
-        high          = 800; 
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
-        // 
-        // Create new image of specified wide-ness and high-ness 
-        // 
-        img           = gdImageCreate(wide, high); 
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
-        // 
-        // Some GD color definitions 
-        // 
-        color[BLACK]  = gdImageColorAllocate(img, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); 
-        color[BLUE]   = gdImageColorAllocate(img, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF); 
-        color[GREEN]  = gdImageColorAllocate(img, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00); 
-        color[RED]    = gdImageColorAllocate(img, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00); 
-        color[WHITE]  = gdImageColorAllocate(img, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); 
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
-        // 
-        // Paint the background black 
-        // 
-        gdImageFilledRectangle(img, 0, 0, wide-1, high-1, color[BLACK]); 
-    /**************************************************************** 
-                                                                  * 
-      =============>  YOUR CODE/PROGRAM GOES HERE  <============  * 
-                                                                  * 
-     ****************************************************************/ 
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
-        // 
-        // Open the file 
-        // 
-        out           = fopen(outfile, "wb"); 
-        if(out       == NULL) 
-        { 
-                fprintf(stderr, "Error opening '%s'\n", outfile); 
-                exit(1); 
-        } 
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
-        // 
-        // Set sane file permissions on image file 
-        // 
-        chmod (outfile, 0644); 
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
-        // 
-        // Send image to file 
-        // 
-        gdImagePngEx(img, out, -1); 
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
-        // 
-        // Close things up 
-        // 
-        fclose(out); 
-        gdImageDestroy(img); 
-        return(0); 
-=====How to view your image===== 
-When you have a functioning project and want to view the images generated, you need to make sure they are deployed into your **public_html/** directory. 
-To view your image in a web browser, simply point it at the following URL: 
-  * <nowiki></nowiki> 
-... where "USERNAME" is your lab46 username (in lowercase), and "IMAGE" is the name of your png file (likely also in lowercase, such as 'cos0'). 
-Note that the tilde just prior to your username in the URL is critical and necessary. 
 =====Grabit Integration===== =====Grabit Integration=====
Line 203: Line 66:
 make: Leaving directory '/var/public/SEMESTER/cprog/cos0' make: Leaving directory '/var/public/SEMESTER/cprog/cos0'
 lab46:~/src/cprog$ cd cos0 lab46:~/src/cprog$ cd cos0
-lab46:~/src/cprog/pos0$ ls+lab46:~/src/cprog/cos0$ ls
 Makefile  cos0.c Makefile  cos0.c
 </cli> </cli>
Line 218: Line 81:
 NOTE: You do NOT want to do this on a populated **cos0** project directory-- it will overwrite files. Only do this on an empty directory. NOTE: You do NOT want to do this on a populated **cos0** project directory-- it will overwrite files. Only do this on an empty directory.
 +=====How to view the picture=====
 +Depending on your computing setup, choose the most practical means of viewing your program's image output:
 +====Raspberry Pi desktop====
 +You've got a monitor and keyboard hooked up to your pi that you are using (preferred method for class).
 +Open a file browser, web browser, or image viewer and navigate to/open up your **cos0.png** image in your **~/src/desig/cos0/** directory.
 +Rinse and repeat as you go through revisions.
 +====Raspberry Pi command-line via SSH/MOSH====
 +You don't have a monitor, so you are logging into your pi remotely (doable, and good intra-system practice)
 +We start by running a successfully-compiled **cos0**:
 +yourpi:~/src/desig/cos0$ ./cos0
 +... which will produce an image (**cos0.png**); You want to put this in your web space (with the proper permissions set), so you can view it in a web browser:
 +yourpi:~/src/desig/cos0$ scp cos0.png
 +Note that you will be prompted for your lab46 password.
 +Then over on lab46, run this:
 +lab46:~$ chmod 0644 ~/public_html/cos0.png
 +Then, point a web browser at the following URL:
 +  *
 +NOTE: sometimes the web browser caches previous results, you may have to refresh a few times on revisions to get changes to manifest.
 =====Submission===== =====Submission=====
 To successfully complete this project, the following criteria must be met: To successfully complete this project, the following criteria must be met:
haas/fall2020/cprog/projects/cos0.1603113477.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/19 13:17 by wedge