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haas:fall2020:common:projects:ntr0 [2020/08/22 14:26] wedgehaas:fall2020:common:projects:ntr0 [2021/01/28 12:41] (current) wedge
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 ======PROJECT====== ======PROJECT======
-PROJECT: Introductory Activities and Getting Started+PROJECT: Introductory Activities and Getting Started (ntr0)
 =====Objective===== =====Objective=====
 In this project, we get started with some course initialization activities. In this project, we get started with some course initialization activities.
-=====Abstraction===== +The aim is to:
-As an exercise in toning your abstraction abilities (literally seeing one thing, but understanding and using it as something else), there will be a number of 'generic' terms used throughout this (and other) documents throughout the course, requiring you to substitute in the pertinent information (else face confusion or error).+
-Some examples:+  * get you settled and configured with pertinent class resources 
 +  * test your ability to parse and proceed through linear, top-down documentation 
 +  * generate contextual awareness of your place within the computing environment 
 +  * start to acclimate to variables and conditions of abstraction
-  * //yourusername// - where you see this (likely in a config file or command-line argument)you are NOT to literally type in y-o-u-r-u-s-e-r-n-a-m-e, but instead, substitute in YOUR lab46 username. +All of which will be importantongoing skills to possess and continue to strengthen as we proceed through the course.
-  * //desig// - different classes have different class designations. To make one universal document pertinent to ALL classes, specific examples will instead use 'desig', where you must substitute in the class desig of the class YOU are taking and acting upon in that momentExample class desigs: +
-    * c4eng - ENGR1050 "C for Engineers" +
-    * cprog - CSCS1320 "C/C++ Programming" +
-    * unix - CSCS1730 "UNIX/Linux Fundamentals" +
-    * data - CSCS2320 "Data Structures" +
-    * discrete - CSCS2330 "Discrete Structures"+
-This sort of abstraction is very similar to that we will find in our utilization of **variables** in programming, where we can have a "name", but the data associated with it can change based on various conditions.+=====How to proceed through this project===== 
 +There has been some unexpected confusion by some on how to glean information and make progress through this project (ie the information contained within this document and the necessary actions and awareness of what is going on).
-Do not be a literalist computer! Start to exercise your abstraction abilities.+The following advice, when genuinely followed, seems to remedy any initial confusion:
-=====Locational Awareness===== +  * read through this document, starting at its very top, and working your way down, line by line to the bottom (it is generally linear, with contextual clues sprinkled in
-This document is written with TWO locations in mind:+  * as you read through, comprehend and strive to understand what is happening. The supporting text, often surrounding any example or model commands to run, will tend to fill in the crucial backstory and connections. If further clarification is needed, please ask questions! Just running the commands in this document and have ZERO clue of what you are doing isn't going to help you in the long run. 
 +  * have a contextual/locational awareness of where you are (there are 2 different computing systems you are to perform work on, and there are two different means of accessing one of the systems- via command line, and via the web) 
 +  * we will be making heavy use of abstraction in this course. We start off with some simple exercises, providing you with model commands you need to adjust to fit your reality (ie commands that won't work as literally shown, but when pertinent meanings are substituted in and followed, will result in successthis is a common theme throughout the course). 
 +  * remember (for the duration of the course) the important concepts presented: for this project will NOT be the last time you see them. Starting from a clean slate each project, retaining NOTHING from your prior experiences will make things unnecessarily difficult for you. 
 +  * be sure to spend some time experimenting and playing, so as to gain an even deeper understanding and familiarity with these concepts. We will encounter and use many tools that facilitate our means of accomplishing various tasks. Their application isn't necessarily limited to the current activity of the project or the subject matter of the course. There are a wealth of productivity treasures to be encountered (both tangible and intangible) that can supercharge your educational journey.
-  * lab46 (the system you may retrieve resources and SUBMIT projects) +As many of my graduated and subsequently employed alumni have relayed to memany of these activities and behaviours I have highlighted have been quite influential in their success at their various jobs.
-  * your pi (the system you will transfer resources to/from, and WORK ON/COMPLETE projects)+
-There are commands you can ONLY run on one system or the other. Pay attention to any prompt cues in the given examples (or section headings, context of language leading up to any examples).+Say some of my former students now employed as engineers: "Reading is 90%+ of the job" 
-For example: +=====Locational Awareness===== 
- +{{page>haas:fall2020:common:projects:location&noheader}}
-  * YOU cannot install software on lab46. You don't have access. +
-  * projects CANNOT be SUBMITTED on your pi.+
 =====Part 1: Getting started with course resources===== =====Part 1: Getting started with course resources=====
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 ====Reading==== ====Reading====
-Please be sure to read through the PDF "UNIX for the Beginning Mage":+Please be sure to read through, play with, and comprehend the material in the PDF "UNIX for the Beginning Mage":
   *   *
 +This will introduce you to some important computing tools which we will be using to facilitate our class activities this semester. Especially if you haven't had much exposure to "files" on the computer and their organization and manipulation. You really need to have this material down.
 ====Course Homepage/Syllabus==== ====Course Homepage/Syllabus====
 You're reading this, so you've likely already found your way to the course homepage. It consists of the syllabus plus additional course resources. You're reading this, so you've likely already found your way to the course homepage. It consists of the syllabus plus additional course resources.
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 Please familiarize yourself with it, bookmarking important resources as appropriate, so that you can refer back when needed. Please familiarize yourself with it, bookmarking important resources as appropriate, so that you can refer back when needed.
-I'd recommend knowing how to get to the projects page (where you found the link for this project), as new content will be posted there.+I'd recommend knowing how to get to the projects page (where you found the link for this project), as new content will be posted there. Note the due dates and identify the current and upcoming projects.
 Be sure to read through and over the syllabus, ensuring there are no questions on the material and organization of the course. Be sure to read through and over the syllabus, ensuring there are no questions on the material and organization of the course.
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 For many of you, this will be your first experience logging onto a Raspberry Pi and working within a command-line environment. You're taking your first steps into a much larger world. For many of you, this will be your first experience logging onto a Raspberry Pi and working within a command-line environment. You're taking your first steps into a much larger world.
-Your clearest indication you are on your Raspberry Pi will likely be in the display of the prompt, resembling the following:+Your clearest indication you are on your Raspberry Pi will likely be in the display of the prompt, resembling the following (in whole or in part):
 <cli> <cli>
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 NOTE: With the installation of **aptitude**, you can use it in place of apt-get/apt-cache: NOTE: With the installation of **aptitude**, you can use it in place of apt-get/apt-cache:
-  * update: sudo aptitude update +  * update: **sudo aptitude update** 
-  * upgrade: sudo aptitude upgrade +  * upgrade: **sudo aptitude upgrade** 
-  * search: aptitude search TOKEN +  * search: **aptitude search __TOKEN__** 
-  * install: sudo aptitude install PACKAGE+  * install: **sudo aptitude install __PACKAGE__** 
 +Where **__TOKEN__** is some substring of the thing you are looking for, and **__PACKAGE__** is the name of the installable package.
-Some other packages you might want to install (some might already be installed):+Some other packages (substitute in place of **__PACKAGE__** above) you might want to install (some might already be installed):
   * bc   * bc
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   * file   * file
-Be on the lookout for other packages to install in this project.+Be on the lookout for other packages to install in this project (often embedded in the reading or unhighlighted on various lists of actions to take).
 ====Clone your Lab46 Mercurial Repository on your raspberry pi==== ====Clone your Lab46 Mercurial Repository on your raspberry pi====
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     * sign in with your wiki username (should be same as lab46 login) and password     * sign in with your wiki username (should be same as lab46 login) and password
     * your wiki password should be in an e-mail to you on lab46     * your wiki password should be in an e-mail to you on lab46
-      * use the 'alpine' command when logged into lab46 to retrieve your wiki password+      * use the 'alpine' command when logged into lab46 to retrieve your wiki password (you can ask for help about this in the class discord)
   * once logged in, note the left sidebar has been updated with some custom (to you) content   * once logged in, note the left sidebar has been updated with some custom (to you) content
     * links to the course homepages of the classes you are taking with me     * links to the course homepages of the classes you are taking with me
haas/fall2020/common/projects/ntr0.1598106396.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/22 14:26 by wedge