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Corning Community College

CSCS2320 Data Structures

Assignments, Documents, Information, and Projects


Week 10

  • Congratulations to user for winning the Week 9 bonus point drawing
  • Class notes roles for 11/04/2014 class:
    • author: user
    • designer: user
    • reviewer: user
  • dska0 happened on Thursday. It was quite the experience. Here is an explanation of the intended solution.
  • dls0 project is deployed. This project continues our Data Structures explorations with a focus on the venerable Stack data structure, which is built on top of our recently-completed Doubly Linked List.
    • We also see a return of the qty member to the list struct, so you'll need to ensure proper updating in the appropriate list functions (should only need to change 4 functions).

Week 9

  • Congratulations to user for winning the Week 8 bonus point drawing
  • Class notes roles for 10/28/2014 class:
    • author: user
    • designer: user
    • reviewer: user
  • dll0 project is deployed; make sure you have applied all updates to sll2 BEFORE upgrading, otherwise you may experience some compilation issues. This project serves as our first re-implementation opportunity, combined with exploring doubly linked lists.

Week 8

  • Congratulations to mgardne8 for winning the Week 7 bonus point drawing
  • Class notes roles for 10/21/2014 class:
    • author: klockwo1
    • designer: jhauck1
    • reviewer: mb006142
  • sll2 project has been released. We're almost at optimal pace. Note I've added some clarifications to the project requirements.
  • I would like to give a knowledge assessment next Thursday (October 30th), evaluating your skills in the course up to that point.

Week 7

  • Congratulations to bfairch2 for winning the Week 6 bonus point drawing
  • Class notes roles for 10/07/2014 class:
    • author: mgardne8
    • designer: mgardne8
    • reviewer: lbelloma
  • I would appreciate some good focused questions. What isn't making sense, but ask based out of what you do understand / how it is deviating from what you think is going on.
    • While I would love to assume that silence means understanding, I know better. But at the same time, I cannot simply repeat the same thing over and over again. So we'll keep playing this game of chicken… I'll keep moving forward, but am more than willing to spend time answering questions.
  • We're really starting to get into the thick of things now… when your understanding of things is really challenged. What do you do, pretend it isn't and hope it'll go away? Or ask some questions?
    • Remember: enlightment moments aren't just to energize me, they work wonders for you too.
  • Class notes roles for 10/09/2014 class:
    • author: jhauck1
    • designer: scrutten
    • reviewer: mgardne8

Week 6

  • Congratulations to jhauck1 for winning the Week 5 bonus point drawing
  • Class notes roles for 09/30/2014 class:
    • author: bfairch2
    • designer: mb006142
    • reviewer: scrutten
  • Class notes roles for 10/02/2014 class:
    • author: mb006142
    • designer: apardini
    • reviewer: adier
  • It seems people are starting to immerse themselves into things, which meant a lot of last minute scramblings, questions, and confusions as the original deadline approached for the node1 project;
    • I've extended the deadline for node1 through Friday.
    • But the deadline for sll0 remains the same.

Week 5

  • Congratulations to bfairch2 for winning the Week 4 bonus point drawing
  • Class notes roles for 09/23/2014 class:
    • I forgot to give out the note taking roles! Bonus points to whomever does it! Let me know if you do so I can give you credit!
    • author: bfairch2 (bonus!)
    • designer: scrutten (bonus!)
    • reviewer: jhauck1 (bonus!)
  • Issued two more updates to the node0 project, one aesthetic (revision 3) and one fixing a discovered bug in node-app-display.c (revision 4). Be sure to check the project page errata section for more information.
  • Unveiled our second project, node1, which continues our acclimation to the project structure and our Data Structures explorations.
  • Class notes roles for 09/25/2014 class:
    • author: adier
    • designer: crankin1
    • reviewer: rakbar
  • Thursday we explored linked list insertion, sample code was written. It turns out there was a problem with the code I wrote on the board, which likely resulted in segmentation faults. A corrected copy of the code is on lab46: /var/public/data/fall2014/examples/sll-insert.c
  • Lab46 experienced a reboot yesterday night due to issues relating to a local denial of service attack. Curiously, around the same time, the following appeared on Facebook:

Week 4

  • Congratulations to sarnol15 for winning the Week 3 bonus point drawing
  • Class notes roles for 09/16/2014 class:
    • author: scrutten
    • designer: klockwo1
    • reviewer: apardini
  • Unveiled our first project, node0, which utilizes a custom multi-file layout (creating libraries, testing applications, unit tests, along with custom Makefiles to facilitate compiling and administration).
    • took the dime cent tour of the directory layout, explaining the intended purpose of things therein.
    • discovered a typo in the Makefile, expect an update to apply for Thursday.
      • At some point (even if in class on Thursday), change into your node0 directory and run: fixit
      • There's also an update available, so we'll be applying that (make update)
  • Project page for node0 project is now available.
  • Class notes roles for 09/18/2014 class:
    • author: lwall1
    • designer: jsylves2
    • reviewer: klockwo1
  • If you are not sure if you submitted an assignment, I have updated the submit tool to report this information.
    • Simply run: submit data
    • You will see upcoming yet-to-be-submitted projects, submitted projects, and past due projects

Week 3

  • Started struct review, wrote 2 pieces of code:
    • structfun1.c - simple intro to defining, declaring, assigning, and displaying struct contents
    • structfun2.c - incomplete as of Tuesday class, started writing a struct to define a “node”, which will be the building block for the rest of the semester.
      • Our node struct is defined as follows:
struct node {
    char value;
    struct node *next;
typedef struct node Node;
  • Diagrams/drawings will be increasingly important.
  • Congratulations to mgardne8 for winning the Week 2 bonus point drawing
  • Class notes roles for 09/09/2014 class:
    • author: crankin1
    • designer: afervan
    • reviewer: lwall1
  • Unsuccessfully debuted my new status script (to a wall of permission denied errors). I think I have fixed it; Thursday we will give it another go.
    • At this point I am still loading in all the information… so not everything may be present.
  • Class notes roles for 09/11/2014 class:
    • author: tmitch10
    • designer: bfairch2
    • reviewer: afervan

Week 2

  • Lab46 was reset on Friday, so we'll need to recreate our screen+irssi session to access the class chat.
  • With all the introductory stuff out of the way, time for some C review:
    • pointers
      • 2 sample programs, pointers1.c and pointers2.c, are located in the Data Structures public directory (on lab46): /var/public/data/fall2014/examples/
    • structs (we'll be getting to them next week)
    • … along with any questions you may have
  • Congratulations to afervan for winning the Week 1 bonus point drawing
  • Class notes roles for 09/02/2014 class:
    • author: rakbar
    • designer: lwall1
    • reviewer: tmitch10
    • Be sure to check the notes project for role-specific deadlines.
  • Class notes roles for 09/04/2014 class:
    • author: afervan
    • designer: lbelloma
    • reviewer: jhauck1
  • Don't forget to add, commit, and push any work you've done

Week 1

  • Welcome! Be sure to:
    • Read over the syllabus
    • Subscribe a preferred and frequently checked e-mail address to the class mailing list
      • the intention is that the list will be central to class communications
      • please do this before 09/02/2014 so we can start making use of it
    • Using the tutorial, set up a screen session and get on #csci on irc
  • Familiarize yourself with your Opus, and once there:
    • customize it (title/subtitle)
    • add an introduction
    • create your first week content
  • The first order of business is to review. You'll need everything we learned from C and C++, with a focus on:
    • functions (prototypes, definitions, calling, parameters, return types)
    • structs
    • pointers
haas/fall2014/data/projects.1414795856.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/10/31 22:50 by wedge