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dslab:ceph [2011/05/26 23:25] hps1dslab:ceph [2011/06/02 02:18] (current) hps1
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 +My notes on getting a CEPH cluster up and running using the 4 tiger machines.
 +===== June 1 =====
 +Got CEPH up and running today.
 +Finished installing two 500GB hard drives in tiger2.
 +Used a ceph.conf file partially based on this one:
 +Those instructions were also very useful in setting everything up.
 +I also downloaded linux kernel 2.6.8 source, compiled it, and installed it on tiger1. You have to do this in order to get the CEPH module so you can mount ceph.
 +===== May 25 =====
 +Started by installing two 500gb hard drives into tiger1.
 +Following instructions on
 +Downloaded the source code for ceph and exported it over nfs so that the other computers will be able to use the same code.
 +Working on compiling kernel so I can enable CEPH in the kernel.
 +Using instructions here: to help with compiling the kernel.
 +Note: I'm installing kernel 2.6.30 because for apt couldn't download the source for 2.6.32
 +Nevermind. Found instructions at