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dslab:addvideowall [2011/02/05 18:16] hps1dslab:addvideowall [2011/02/05 18:29] (current) hps1
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 +How to add a Clean Debian 6.0 Computer to a pre-existing video wall
 +==Step 0: Log in as root==
 +==Step 1: Install X and Fluxbox==
 +<code>apt-get install xserver-xorg xinit fluxbox</code>
 +== Step 2: Add .xinitrc ==
 +Add <code>/root/.xinitrc</code> and give it one line:
 +==Step 3: Edit /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc==
 +it will read:
 +exec /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp "$@"
 +remove the "-nolisten tcp" so that the file reads:
 +exec /usr/bin/X "$@"
 +==Step 4:==
 +Start X
 +==Step 5: Configure X access control==
 +On another virtual terminal:
 +# export DISPLAY=:0
 +# xhost +