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blog:spring2016:cmerola2:journal [2016/04/05 17:31] cmerola2blog:spring2016:cmerola2:journal [2016/05/02 14:45] (current) cmerola2
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 ====April 5, 2016==== ====April 5, 2016====
 I went to California over the break, San Diego was pretty fun. I came back to snow. This is trash, April. I went to California over the break, San Diego was pretty fun. I came back to snow. This is trash, April.
 +====April 11, 2016====
 +Since when has the Opus needed to be relevant to the class? This is an absolute outrage, and I demand that you change the policy. Where am I going to keep logs of my car adventures now? I submit, that my Opus entries are relevant to the class because they go into depth on how and why I was late for class that day, and also that I always leave my projects half finished and am too ashamed to submit them. Anyway, I didn't start the c project yet again. I'm wondering where my motivation is.
 +====April 20, 2016====
 +The EOCE is out already, and I am not prepared. I'll try not to procrastinate on this though, we'll see if I can get through it. I've got to re-take this probably. I've got all of these projects half finished, but I never turned any of them in. I'll also have to figure out how to render an image of a pineapple, so there's something I can get behind.
 +====April 24, 2016====
 +I'm working on the EOCE, but I'm not being to active on it. I was in the woods for the entire weekend, so unfortunately, I haven't been able to code until I got back.
 +====May 2, 2016====
 +I haven't actually worked on the physical c code in the EOCE. I guess I'll start now. I also failed my math test, so that's something to look forward to.
blog/spring2016/cmerola2/journal.1459877483.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/04/05 17:31 by cmerola2